Organist & Assistant/Associate Choirmaster (Atlanta, GA)

Date Posted: 
April 10, 2024
Organization Name: 
Cathedral of St. Philip (Episcopal)
Contact Email: 
Salary Range: 
Full-time, competitive salary package will include benefits prescribed by the Episcopal Church.
Job Description: 

The Cathedral of St. Philip seeks a full-time Assistant or Associate Organist-Choirmaster to help lead its broad and dynamic music program. The selected candidate should be a consummate organist & service player, possessing superior skills in hymn playing, choral accompanying, liturgical improvisation, and organ repertory.

In addition to sharing organist duties for 250+ services annually, the selected candidate will be charged with responsibility for overseeing and continuing to develop the Cathedral’s RSCM-based Chorister program (children grade 3 and older), requiring expertise in conducting and vocal training, a passion for working seriously with young singers, and a mentor’s approach to Christian formation and character development in children & youth.

She/he will assist the Canon for Music (Dale Adelmann) in the leadership, planning, administration and promotion of all areas of the Cathedral’s rich musical life, joining a department that includes a part-time Organist & Artist- in-Residence (Herbert Buffington), a full-time administrative coordinator, the Cathedral Choir, Cathedral Schola, fourteen staff singers, Cathedral Choristers, a Friends of Cathedral Music organization, and a highly dedicated corps of volunteers.

The Cathedral Choirs sing approximately 150 services annually, present annual sacred concerts with orchestra, undertake occasional choir pilgrimages to England, and have recorded three compact discs for Gothic Records.

The Cathedral’s core virtues & values are grace, excellence, hospitality, initiative, communication, and optimism; the right candidate will embody these characteristics with collegiality, pastoral sensitivity, good humor, and Christian faith.

The Cathedral possesses 3 organs:

  • Aeolian-Skinner Op. 1399 (1962 with tonal revisions in 1991, IV/97);
  • a 6-stop Klop continuo organ in the gracious four-second acoustic of the Cathedral nave;
  • and Schoenstein & Co. Opus 171 (2017, II/16) in Mikell Chapel (more information).

A competitive salary package will include benefits prescribed by the Episcopal Church. Much more information about music at the Cathedral of St. Philip is available online.