Music Minister (Annandale, VA)

Date Posted: 
May 20, 2024
Organization Name: 
St. Barnabas' Episcopal Church
Salary Range: 
Job Description: 

As St. Barnabas’ prepares to bid farewell to a creative and faithful music minister who is retiring in summer 2024, St. Barnabas’ is seeking faithful new leadership to help lead the church into a new chapter of abundant life, teaching music as a practice and expression of faith. St. Barnabas’ youth, children, and adults each sing in their own choir and instrumental offerings are a part of worship also. Creativity and collaboration are valued, and a part of the role involves inviting, encouraging, and empowering parishioners to share their musical gifts.

Approximate salaries for one potential division of labor would be for an Adult Organist and Choir Director role to be paid ~$18,000 per year for 10-12 hours per week, a Youth Choir Minister role to be paid ~$7,000 per year for 5-7 hours per week, and a Children’s Choir Minister role, to be paid ~$3,000 per year for about 3-4 hours per week (the children’s choir primarily meets during the school year).

Resume and a few links/files of musical work, if available, are requested via email to and by June 1st, 2024. St. Barnabas would ideally like to warmly welcome new leadership on Sunday September 1st, 2024.