Faculty News: Bryan Spinks

January 29, 2014

Professor of Liturgical Studies Bryan Spinks has published his newest book with SCM Press London and Westminster/John Knox Press:  Do This in Remembrance of Me. The Eucharist from the Early Church to the Present Day.  The book, a study of the history and theology of the Eucharist, is the fifth volume in the SCM Studies in Worship and Liturgy series. This book is aimed at undergraduate and graduate theology students, clergy and theologically literate laity.


The volume includes a foreword by Professor Teresa Berger, which states, “With this book on the Eucharist from the early Church to the present day, Bryan Spinks offers us the fruits of his 40 years of indefatigable, passionate commitment to scholarly inquiry into the history of Christian liturgy…he here focuses his attention on what surely constitutes the key challenge for any historian of Christian liturgy, namely how to map the development of Eucharistic celebrations from the threshold of the Upper Room all the way to cyberspace.  To my knowledge, Bryan Spinks is the first scholar who maps the terrain in precisely this sweeping arch…”

For more information about the book, click here.