
The Symbol of the Cross and Christian Identity | Felicity Harley and Martin Jean

Professor Felicity Harley is a specialist in early Christian and medieval art. Her work centers on the origins and development of Christian iconography within the visual culture of Roman late antiquity, and extends to the ‘survival’ of the Classical tradition from late antiquity through to the Italian Renaissance. Before coming to Yale, Felicity was the Gerry Higgins Lecturer in Medieval Art History at the University of Melbourne where she taught across the fields of Roman, Byzantine, Medieval and Renaissance art history, as well as art theory and historiography.

ISM Fellows Interview | Sumarsam’s Journey, Wayang Puppet Play, and the Songs to Ward Off Evil Spirits

ISM Fellows program manager Eben Graves and Sumarsam—current ISM fellow, expert in Indonesian music, theater, and gamelan, and professor of music at Wesleyan University—discuss Javanese shadow puppetry in the time of COVID-19. 

Sumarsam is the Winslow-Kaplan Professor of Music at Wesleyan University, where he teaches the history, theory, and practice of Indonesian music and theater and gamelan performance. 

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