
Xenia and J. Irwin Miller
May 3, 2017
ISM director Martin Jean has announced that its new home at 406 Prospect St. in New Haven, scheduled to open in the summer of 2018, will be named for its original benefactors...
Yale Journal of Music & Religion
April 26, 2017
Online Now Vol. 3, No. 1, a general issue covering topics such as street performance in Hindu-Christian dialogue, the religious aspects of Acadian patriotic songs, and church...
Alumni Adrianna Tam, Nate Widelitz, Joe Gregorio, Max Holman with Derek Greten-Harrison
April 24, 2017
Current choral conducting students Hannah Carr and Simon Lee were announced as semifinalists of the graduate conducting competition at the national conference of the American...
Reena Esmail
April 19, 2017
Reena Esmail It felt like a dream sequence: I was back in my old neighborhood in Delhi, in the open-air central market. It was a Friday afternoon and the market was bustling...
Boarding the Bus
April 10, 2017
Abigail Storch, M.A.R. ‘18 Photos by Joseph Kemper, M.M. ‘18   Over spring break, Yale Schola Cantorum traveled to India, performing Bach’s Magnificat in D and Reena Esmail’s...
Fassler, Labib, Soliman, on location at St. Mark's Coptic Orthodox Church, Jersey City
April 9, 2017
Prof. Margot Fassler of Sacred Music at Notre Dame, and Robert Tangeman Professor Emerita of Music History at Yale and the ISM, has announced the release of a new documentary...
The merry band of pilgrims at Salisbury station
April 4, 2017
  Ed. Note: Again this year, during spring break a merry band of pilgrim/scholars embarked on an extended field trip in connection with a class taught by ISM faculty....