Application process for long-term fellowships

The deadline for the online application is October 15th, 2024. The application will open by Aug. 1, 2024. Apply.

Fellows 2019–2020All materials must be written and submitted in English. The application requires:

  • Personal data (including education and professional work).
  • Curriculum-vitae, not to exceed 10 pages in length.
  • A statement of not more than 1400 words describing the proposed scholarly or creative project intended for the year. The body of the proposal should describe the project, explain the significance of the topic, and place the work within the context of relevant disciplines. This project must relate to the mission of the Institute. The proposal should describe in detail the relationship to the mission, and explain how a year’s residence at the Institute would enhance this work. A brief bibliography should be included when appropriate.
  • A 150-word abstract of the proposal.
  • A sample of scholarly or artistic work. Scholars should submit no more than 30 pages of published writings. Religious leaders and artists should submit a roughly equivalent example of their creative work (for example, sermons, liturgies, artwork, plays, compositions, etc.).
  • Fellow applicants who wish to teach, as well as all Postdoctoral Associate applicants (who are expected to teach) should include a brief description of one to three courses and the departments or schools in which these courses might be taught as well as a  course title, weekly lecture topics, and short reading list. Additional information may be required of fellows after they have been invited to come.
  • Three letters of reference from qualified leaders in the applicant’s field. Letters should include an evaluation of the applicant’s research proposal and his or her capacity to fulfill it. The online application requires a list of the names, positions, and contact information of recommenders who will be asked to submit their letters online. If a recommender has no access to email, the applicant should notify us at

Fellowships may also be given in either fall or spring, though applicants who are available for the entire year are strongly favored. Funding support is pro-rated accordingly, and applicants may indicate this desire on the application form.

Clustered Applications. The Institute also welcomes applications from a cluster of qualified individuals who wish to work on a common project in addition to individual candidates. Each person must complete a separate application and note that the application is part of a cluster. The same guidelines apply in every other way.