Franz Cumont and Mikhail Rostovtzeff in the Mithraeum

YUAG, Dura-Europos Collection, negative number dura-g852a~01

This photograph commemorates Franz Cumont (left) and Mikhail Rostovtzeff’s visit to Dura in 1934 to see the newly discovered Mithraeum (sanctuary of the god Mithras), which was a turning point with respect to gaining outside scholarly interest in Dura. The Yale-French excavations’ two legendary scientific directors are shown placing their hands on a horned altar in front of the tauroctony (bull-slaying) reliefs and the unusual wall paintings for which the building is famous. Their interests and expertise in ancient religion made Dura’s religious buildings a top priority, and the Mithraeum, Christian building, and Synagogue are three of the nineteen religious buildings excavated during the project.