Celebrating 50 Years
In celebration of the ISM’s 50th anniversary at Yale, several special events were held in the spring of 2024. Yale Camerata joined with several other groups at Yale to perform Benjamin Britten’s War Requiem with performances in both New Haven and New York City. A sold-out concert honoring musical legend Richard Smallwood entitled “Anthem of Praise” featured numerous gospel luminaries. In his last performance as conductor before his retirement from Yale, David Hill led Yale Schola Cantorum and Juilliard415 in Bach’s B Minor Mass in Woolsey Hall. Professor James O’Donnell led Yale Consort in a festal evensong, with remarks by YDS professor, Teresa Morgan. “All Creation Sings”, an ecumenical hymn festival featuring Yale Camerata and a community choir of 300 voices and guest preachers Drs. Barbara Brown Taylor and James Forbes, was the final celebratory event in Woolsey Hall. Read more about the hymn festival here. A symposium on the B Minor Mass and “Music and Mind”, and a conversation between Richard Smallwood, Donald Lawrence, and Professor Braxton Shelley were also held in the spring. Details of all the events, including video recordings, can be found in the events section below.
View the prayer shared at the anniversary dinner on April 27 by Professor Melanie Ross.
In the News
Read “Song and Praise”, the feature article about the 50th anniversary in the January/February issue of Yale Alumni Magazine.
View a story about the ISM anniversary on Yale News.
Watch the video below created by Yale’s Office of Public Affairs and Communications, that traces the impact of the ISM at Yale.
The Institute of Sacred Music: Celebrating 50 Years at Yale
A half-century ago, the ISM was established through a gift from the Irwin-Sweeney-Miller Foundation and is now a thriving international community of well over 130 faculty, staff, students and fellows.
Professor Martin Jean on the ISM’s 50 years at Yale
Professor Martin Jean, director of the ISM, shared remarks at the April 27 anniversary dinner on the impact of the Institute over its half decade at Yale. The dinner was hosted by Yale President Peter Salovey and attended by members of the ISM’s founding family.

Photo Highlights

Yale Camerata performing Britten’s War Requiem at St. Barts in NYC
Professor Martin Jean speaking at the festal evensong service
“All Creation Sings” Hymn Festival
David Hill conducting Yale Schola Cantorum in Bach’s Mass in B Minor
David Hill conducting Yale Schola Cantorum in Bach’s Mass in B Minor
Yale President Peter Salovey sharing remarks at the anniversary dinner
Rev. Dr. James Forbes speaking at the hymn festival
“All Creation Sings” Hymn Festival in Woolsey Hall
Rev. Dr. Barbara Brown Taylor speaking at the hymn festival
Richard Smallwood being honored at “Anthem of Praise”
Bebe Winans honors Richard Smallwood at “Anthem of Praise”
Professor Chris Wiman sharing a prayer at the anniversary dinner
Professor Teresa Morgan sharing remarks at the Festal Evensong service
Professor James O’Donnell leads Yale Consort in Festal Evensong
David Hill speaking at the anniversary reception in the Beinecke Library
Professor Martin Jean, President Peter Salovey and Will Miller
Dr. Felicia Barber conducting Yale Camerata and hymn festival community choir
Professor Melanie Ross sharing a prayer at the anniversary dinner
Yale Schola Cantorum singing Bach’s Mass in B Minor
50th Anniversary Events
Past Event: All Creation Sings | ISM's 50th anniversary hymn festival
In celebration of its 50th anniversary, the Yale Institute of Sacred Music will hold an ecumenical hymn festival in Woolsey Hall.
Past Event: J.S. Bach's Mass in B Minor
Bach’s Mass in B Minor, internationally acclaimed performer, David Hill, will conduct Yale Schola Cantorum and the Juilliard415 Music ensemble.
Past Event: Symposium: "Bach's B Minor Mass in Context"
The four talks will explore the rich resonances of the Mass and of Bach’s music.
Past Event: Festal Evensong with Yale Consort
In celebration of the 50th anniversary of ISM will include music, readings, quiet contemplation, and guest preacher Teresa Morgan. All are welcome.
Past Event: Anthem of Praise: A Salute to Richard Smallwood
Join us for an evening celebrating the music of Richard Smallwood.
Past Event: Benjamin Britten War Requiem
Yale Camerata, Yale Glee Club, and Yale Symphony Orchestra at Woolsey Hall, New Haven, CT.