Fellows work on publications and creative projects during their year in residence at the ISM. Below is a list of published books and here is a list of articles published in academic journals.
Fellows' Bookshelf
Colored Women Sittin' on High: Womanist Sermonic Practice in Literature and Music
Author, Melanie R. Hill
From the Palatine to Piero Ligorio: Architectural, sculptural and antiquarian studies in memory of Amanda Claridge
Author, Blair Fowlkes Childs
The Politics of Musical Time: Expanding Songs and Shrinking Markets in Bengali Devotional Performance
Author, Eben Graves
Wayang sebagai Media Ekologi: Buku Pintar Kreativitas pada Masa Perubahan Iklim
Author, Matthew Cohen
Afro-Catholic Festivals in the Americas: Performance, Representation, and the Making of Black Atlantic Tradition
Author, Cécile Fromont
Island Gospel: Pentecostal Music and Identity in Jamaica and the United States
Author, Melvin Butler
Singing the Congregation: How Contemporary Worship Music Forms Evangelical Community
Author, Monique Ingalls
Religion and Art in the Heart of Modern Manhattan: St. Peter’s Church and the Louise Nevelson Chapel
Author, Aaron Rosen
Richard Rolle’s Melody of Love: A Study and Translation with Manuscript and Musical Contexts
Author, Andrew Albin
Robert Lachmann’s “Oriental Music” Broadcasts, 1936–1937: A Musical Ethnography of Mandatory Palestine
Author, Ruth Davis
Studies on the Liturgies of the Christian East: Selected Papers of the Third International Congress of the Society of Oriental Liturgy
Author, Basilius Groen
Internationales Symposium an der Katholisch-Theologischen Fakultät der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz
Author, Basilius Groen