From the Palatine to Piero Ligorio: Architectural, sculptural and antiquarian studies in memory of Amanda Claridge

Blair Fowlkes Childs (2019-2020 Fellow)
From the Palatine to Pirro Ligorio
Journal of Roman Archaeology, 2023
Publication Year: 2023
‘From the Palatine to Pirro Ligorio: Architectural, sculptural and antiquarian studies in memory of Amanda Claridge (1949-2022)’ was edited by Glynn J. C. Davis, Janet DeLaine, Zena Kamash (RHUL Classics), and Charlotte R. Potts. The memorial volume contains a large number of contributions, including a co-authored article by Jari Pakkanen and Amanda Claridge, ‘Mapping the sand dunes and modelling Rome’s maritime facade at Castelorziano’.