- Abdelfattah, Heba A. 2021. “The Ibtihalat in the Digital Age: Public and Private Domains” Religions 12, no. 10: 866. Details on MDPI
Fellows’ Publications and Other Projects
Alphabetical by Author
Aboud, Ephrem. 2024. “Manuscripts Without Borders: Syriac Migrating Written Heritage” Details on Academia.edu
- Andrew Albin, Pinko Palino, etc. 2018. Richard Rolle’s Melody of Love: A Study and Translation with Manuscript and Musical Contexts, Studies and Texts 212. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies.
- Andrew Albin. 2016. “Desiring Medieval Sound.” Sounding Out! 9 May 2016, Details on Sound Studies
- Meg Bernstein and Emily C. Floyd. 2022. “Visiting Religious Spaces in the Digital Realm: The MAVCOR Digital Spaces Project in Historical Context.” In Digital Humanities and Material Religion: An Introduction, edited by Emily Suzanne Clark and Rachel McBride Lindsey, 6:91–110. Introductions to Digital Humanities – Religion. Berlin: De Gruyter.
- Meg Bernstein. 2021. “Towards an Art History of the Parish Church, 1200–1399.” ed. Meg Bernstein. London: Courtauld Books Online.
- Anderson Blanton. 2019. “The ‘Point of Contact’: Radio and the Transduction of Healing Prayer.” In Language and Religion, eds. Robert Yelle, Courtney Handman, and Christopher Lehrich. Boston: Walter de Gruyter Inc.
- M. Jennifer Bloxam. August 2019. “A Golden Mass: Celebrating the Annunciation with Guillaume du Fay.” Concert program developed in collaboration with Stratton Bull, director of the Dutch vocal ensemble Cappella Pratensis, featuring Du Fay’s Missa Ecce ancilla Domini, for the Laus Polyphoniae Festival of Flanders, Antwerp, Belgium.
- M. Jennifer Bloxam. 2019. “Cum angelis et archangelis: Singing a Sacramental Cosmology in the Medieval Christian West.” In Full of Your Glory: Liturgy, Cosmos, Creation. Papers from the 5th Yale ISM Liturgy Conference, June 18–21, 2018, ed. Teresa Berger, 211-30. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press.
- M. Jennifer Bloxam. 2018. “Cantus and Cantus Firmi: Solving Puzzles in Three Fifteenth-Century Annunciation Masses.” Journal of the Alamire Foundation. Vol. 10: 159-72.
- M. Jennifer Bloxam and Andrew Shenton, eds. 2017. Exploring Christian Song. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
- M. Jennifer Bloxam. 2017. “Ockeghem’s Presence in Obrecht’s Masses.” Tijdschrift van de Koninklijke Vereniging voor Nederlandse Musiekgeschiedenis. Vol. 67: 103-24.
- M. Jennifer Bloxam. 2017. “The Late Medieval Composer as Cleric: Browsing Chant Manuscripts with Obrecht.” In Exploring Christian Song, eds. M. Jennifer Bloxam and Andrew Shenton, 29-52. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
- M. Jennifer Bloxam & Pierre de la Rue. 2016. Missa Cum jocunditate: Visions of Joy / The Chapel of Hieronymus Bosch. CD with the Dutch vocal ensemble Cappella Pratensis, directed by Stratton Bull, with Wim Diepenhorst, organ. Challenge Classics CC72710.
- M. Jennifer Bloxam. 2016. “Preaching to the Choir? Obrecht’s Motet for the Dedication of the Church.” In Music and Culture in the Middle Ages and Beyond: Liturgy, Sources, Symbolism, eds. David Rothenberg and Benjamin Brand, 263-92. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- M. Jennifer Bloxam. 2015. “Music and Ritual.” In The Cambridge History of Fifteenth-Century Music, eds. Anna-Maria Busse Berger and Jesse Rodin, 511-27. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- M. Jennifer Bloxam. 2014. “Royal Exequies: Music for the Funeral of Philip the Fair.” Lecture and concert tour developed in collaboration with Stratton Bull, director of the Dutch vocal ensemble Cappella Pratensis, combining an illustrated lecture-demonstration with a concert presentation of Pierre de la Rue’s Requiem.
Paul Bradshaw. 2015. Alcuin Club, and The Group for Renewal of Worship (GROW), Joint Liturgical Studies 80: Ancient Church Orders. Norwich: SCM-Canterbury Press.
- Harald Buchinger. 2017. “Psalm (liturgisch).” Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum, 28/220-221, 459-496.
- 2017. Harald Buchinger, David Hiley, and Sabine Reichert, eds. Prozessionen und ihre Gesänge in der mittelalterlichen Stadt. Regensburg, Germany: Schnell & Steiner.
- Harald Buchinger. 2016. “Gregorian Chant’s Imagined Past, with yet another look at the Roman Lenten repertoire.” In Liturgy’s Imagined Past/s: Methodologies and Materials in the Writing of Liturgical History Today, eds. T. Berger / B. Spinks; A Pueblo Book, 143 - 175. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical.
- Harald Buchinger. 2016. “Pentekoste, Pfingsten und Himmelfahrt. Grunddaten und Fragen zur Frühgeschichte.” In Preaching after Easter. Mid-Pentecost, Ascension, and Pentecost in Late Antiquity, eds. R. W. Bishop / J. Leemans / H. Tamas; Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae 136, 15-84. Leiden: Brill.
- Harald Buchinger. 2016. “Psalmodie als Sakrament. Johannes Chrysostomus über den täglichen Abendpsalm 140(141).” In Wort des lebendigen Gottes - Liturgie und Bibel, (= FS Hansjakob Becker; Hg. A. Zerfaß / A. Franz; Pietas Liturgica) 16, 221-240. Tübingen: Narr/Francke/Attempto.
- Harald Buchinger. 2015. “Eucharistische Praxis und eucharistische Frömmigkeit bei Origenes.” Sacris Erudiri, 54, 5-78.
- Harald Buchinger. 2014. “The Easter Cycle in Late Antique Cappadocia. Revisiting some well-known witnesses.” Bollettino della Badia Greca di Grottaferrata, 3a serie 11 (Festschrift Nicolas Egender / Sebastià Janeras) 45-77
- Harald Buchinger. 2014. “Pascha.” Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum, 26/208, 1033-1077.
- Harald Buchinger. 2013. “Osterprozessionen und ihre Gesänge im Früh- und Hochmittelalter. Annäherung an ein interdisziplinäres Forschungsfeld.” In Colloquium Collegarum. Festschrift für David Hiley zum 65. Geburtstag, eds. W. Horn / F. Weber; Regensburger Studien zur Musikwissenschaft 10, 9-87. Tutzing: Schneider.
- Harald Buchinger. 2013. “Kommunionfeier am Karfreitag? Zur instabilen Geschichte einer umstritten Praxis.” In Die Feier des Ostertriduums zwischen normativem Anspruch und lokaler Praxis, Hg. B. Leven / M. Stuflesser; Theologie der Liturgie 4, 154-174. Regensburg: Pustet.
- Harald Buchinger. 2013. “Gregorianik: Das Kernrepertoire.” In Der Gottesdienst und seine Musik.1: Grundlegung und Hymnologie, eds. A. Gerhards / M. Schneider; Enzyklopädie der Kirchenmusik 4/1, 133-152. Laaber: Laaber.
- Harald Buchinger. 2012. “Heilige Zeiten? Christliche Feste zwischen Mimesis und Anamnesis. Am Beispiel der Jerusalemer Liturgie.” In Communio Sanctorum: Heilige, Heiliges und Heiligkeit in spätantiken Religionskulturen, eds. P. Gemeinhardt / K. Heyden; Religionsgeschichtliche Versuche und Vorarbeiten 61, 283-323. Berlin: de Gruyter.
- Melvin Butler. 2019. Island Gospel: Pentecostal Music and Identity in Jamaica and the United States. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2019.
- Melvin Butler. 2016. “Performing Pannkotis Identity in Haiti.” In The Oxford Handbook of Music and World Christianities, eds. Suzel Reily and Jonathan Dueck, 606–28. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Melvin Butler. 2014. “Haitian Djaz Diplomacy and the Cultural Politics of Musical Collaboration.” In Music and Diplomacy from the Early Modern Era to the Present, eds. Rebekah Ahrendt, Mark Ferraguto, and Damien Mahiet, 209–29. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Hyun Kyong Hannah Chang. 2020. “A Fugitive Christian Public: Singing, Sentiment, and Socialization in Colonial Korea.” The Journal of Korean Studies. Vol. 25, No. 2: 291-323.
- Hyun Kyong Hannah Chang. 2020. “Yun Isang, Media, and the State: Forgetting and Remembering a Dissident Composer in Cold-War South Korea.” The Asia Pacific Journal. Vol. 18. No. 19. n.p. Direct link to this article.Hyun Kyong Hannah Chang. 2019. “Singing and Praying among Korean Christian Converts (1896-1915): A Trans-Pacific Genealogy of the Modern Korean Voice.” In The Oxford Handbook of Voice Studies, eds. Nina Eidsheim and Katherine Meizel, 457-474. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Hyun Kyong Hannah Chang. 2018. “Colonial Circulation: Japan’s Classroom Songbooks in Korea, 1910-1945.” Ethnomusicology Forum. Vol. 26, No. 2: 157-183.
- Ireri Chavez-Barcenas. 2021. “Native Song and Dance Affect in Seventeenth-Century Christian Festivals in New Spain.” In Acoustemologies in Contact: Sounding Subjects and Modes of Listening in Early Modernity, eds. Emily Wilbourne and Suzanne G. Cusick. Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, 2021.
Daniel Chua. 2017. Beethoven & Freedom. Oxford University Press, 2017.
- Matthew Cohen. 2020. Wayang sebagai Media Ekologi: Buku Pintar Kreativitas pada Masa Perubahan Iklim [Wayang as an Ecological Medium: A Sourcebook for Creativity in a Time of Climate Change]. Yogyakarta: Kunci. (Co-editor with Laura Noszlopy, Dewanto Sukistono, and Marianna Lis.)
- Matthew Cohen. 2019. “Three Eras of Indonesian Arts Diplomacy.” Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde. Vol. 75, Nos. 2-3: 253-283.
- Matthew Cohen. 2019. “Wayang in Jaman Now: Reflexive Traditionalization and Local, National, and Global Networks of Javanese Shadow Puppet Theatre.” Theatre Research International. Vol. 44, No. 1: 40-57.
- Matthew Cohen. 2018. “Worlds of wayang: The Dr. Walter Angst and Sir Henry Angest Collection of Indonesian Puppet.” Yale University Art Gallery Bulletin, 40-47.
- Matthew Cohen. 2018. “The Dr. Walter Angst and Sir Henry Angest Collection of Indonesian Puppets: The structure of the conjuncture.” Asian Theatre Journal. Vol. 35, No. 2: 300-328.
- Orgu Dalic. W/ Alexander Sokolicek. 2017. “Aphrodisias.” In The Archaeology of Byzantine Anatolia: From the End of Late Antiquity until the Coming of the Turks, ed. Philipp Niewöhner, 268-79. New York: Oxford Scholarship Online.
- Orgu Dalic. W/ A. Commito. 2017. “Christianization of the Landscape” and “Middle Byzantine Revival.” In The Countryside of Aphrodisias, 93-113 and 114-120. Ann Arbor: Kelsey Museum Publications.
- Orgu Dalic. 2015. “The Triumph of Dionysos in Constantinople: A Late Fifth-Century Mosaic in Context.” Dumbarton Oaks Papers. Vol. 69: 15-49.
- Ruth Davis. 2015. Musical Exodus: Al-Andalus and its Jewish Diasporas. Lanham, MD; Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield. Edited book.
- Ruth Davis. 2015. “Introduction: Musical Exodus, Musical Ingathering.” Musical Exodus, ix–xxxv.
- Ruth Davis. 2013. Robert Lachmann’s “Oriental Music” Broadcasts, 1936–1937: A Musical Ethnography of Mandatory Palestine. Middleton, WI: A-R Editions.
- Ruth Davis. 2013. “Music in the Mirror of Multiple Nationalisms: Sound Archives and Ideology in Israel and Palestine.” In P. Bohlman (Ed.), The Cambridge History of World Music, 498–521. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Ruth Davis. 2012. “Translating ‘Music of Foreign Nations’: Perspectives of a Comparative Musicologist in Mandatory Palestine.” Journal of Mediterranean Studies. Vol. 21, No 2: 261–276. Project MUSE.
- Daniel J. DiCenso & Rebecca Maloy. 2017. Chant, Liturgy, and the Inheritance of Rome. Essays in Honour of Joseph Dyer. Woodbridge, UK: Boydell & Brewer.
- Rebecca Dirksen. 2022. “Reinvoking Gran Bwa (Great Forest): Music, Environmental Justice, and a Vodou-Inspired Mission to Plant Trees across Haiti.” In The Routledge Companion to Music and Human Rights, edited by Julian Fifer, Angela Impey, Peter G. Kirchschlaeger, Manfred Nowak, and George Ulrich, 228-245. Abingdon-on-Thames, UK: Routledge.
- Rebecca Dirksen. 2022. [Co-authored] With Mark Pedelty, Aaron S. Allen, Chiao-Wen Chiang, and Tyler Kinnear. “Ecomusicology: Tributaries and Distributaries of an Integral Field.” Music Research Annual 3: 1-36.
- Rebecca Dirksen. 2022. “Working Through Crisis: What Will It Take to Push for a Sound(er) Future for Haiti?” In Music, Communities, Sustainability: Developing Policies and Practices, edited by Huib Schippers and Anthony Seeger, 232–263. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Kathy Foley and I Nyoman Sedana. 2020. “Report: Indonesian Ramayana Festival at Prambanan (2012).” Asian Theatre Journal 37, no. 1 (2020): 228-245.
- Kathy Foley. 2019. “Wali(saints musulmans) reduit au silence: les marionettes wayang en Indonesie et en Malaisie.” In Marionnettes et pouvoir, ed. Raphaele Fleury et Julie Sermon, 150-170. Montpellier: Institut International de la Marionnette et Deuxieme Epoque
- Kathy Foley. 2016. “Arifin and Putu: Teater Modern acting in New Order Indonesia.“ Theatre, Dance and Performance Training, 7:3, 472-484.
- Kathy Foley. 2015. “Kayon/Gunungan:Tree of Life/Cosmic Mountain.” Puppetry International 38: 4-6 (Fall) [co-author with Karen Smith].
- Kathy Foley. 2015. “Wayang Kelantan beyond Borders.” Puppetry International 38 (Fall): 36-38.
- Kathy Foley. 2015. “The “Ronggeng”, the “Wayang”, the “Wali”, and Islam: Female or Transvestite Male Dancers-Singers-Performers and Evolving Islam in West Java.” Asian Theatre Journal 32, no. 2 (2015): 356-86. Accessed October 6, 2020.
- Kathy Foley and Ratna Sarumpaet. 2015. “The Prostitute and the President.” Manoa 26, no. 2 (2014): 175-208. Accessed October 6, 2020.
- Kathy Foley. 2014. “No More Masterpieces: Tangible Impacts and Intangible Cultural Heritage in Bordered Worlds.” Asian Theatre Journal 31, no. 2 (2014): 369-98. Accessed October 6, 2020.
- Kathy Foley. 2014. “Tibet Performance, Past and Present: Multidisciplinary Avenues of Research.” Asian Theatre Journal 30, no. 2 (2013): 520-525.
Blair Fowlkes Childs. 2023. “From the Palatine to Pirro Ligorio Architectural, Sculptural and Antiquarian Studies in Memory of Amanda Claridge (1949-2022).” Details on Journal of Roman Archaeology
- Cécile Fromont, ed. 2019. Afro-Catholic Festivals in the Americas: Performance, Representation, and the Making of Black Atlantic Tradition. University Park: Penn State University Press.
Meredith Gamer. 2019. “The Smugglerius, re-viewed.” The Sculpture Journal. Vol. 28, No. 3: 331-344, 419.
- Finnian Moore Gerety. 2021. “Between Sound and Silence in Early Yoga: Meditation on ‘Om’ at Death.” History of Religions 60.3: 209–44. DOI: 10.1086/711944.
- Finnian Moore Gerety. 2021. “Sound and Yoga.” In Routledge Handbook of Yoga and Meditation Studies, edited by Suzanne Newcombe and Karen O’Brien-Kop, 502-21. Oxon; New York: Routledge.
- Finnian Moore Gerety. 2019. Review of The Tawny One: Soma, Haoma and Ayahuasca by Matthew Clark. Bulletin of SOAS 82/3 (Oct. 2019): 561-63.
- Finnian Moore Gerety. 2018. “Digital Guru: Embodiment, Technology, and the Transmission of Traditional Knowledge in Kerala.” Asian Ethnology 77.1-2: 3-31.
- Eben Graves. 2022. The Politics of Musical Time: Expanding Songs and Shrinking Markets in Bengali Devotional Performance. Indiana University Press.
- Eben Graves. 2019. “Are You All Coming to the Esplanade?: Devotional Music and Contingent Politics in West Bengal.” In The Power of Bhakti: Social Location and Public Affect in India’s Religion of the Heart, eds. John Stratton Hawley, Christian Lee Novetzke, and Swapna Sharma, 63-73. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
- Eben Graves. 2017. “‘Kīrtan’s Downfall’: The Sādhaka-Kīrtanīyā, Cultural Nationalism and Gender in Early Twentieth-century Bengal.” The Journal of Hindu Studies. Vol 10, No. 3: 328-57.
- Eben Graves. 2017. “The Marketplace of Devotional Song: Cultural Economies of Exchange in Bengali Padāvalī-Kīrtan.” Ethnomusicology. Vol. 61, No. 1: 52-86.
- Ronald L. Grimes. 2014. The Craft of Ritual Studies, Oxford Ritual Studies Series. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014.
- Ronald L. Grimes. 2012. “Ritual Creativity, Improvisation, and the Arts. Online Vimeo showcase of 51 videos.
- Basilius Groen. 2024. “Latin and Vernacular Tongues in Western Christianity and Its Worship” Colophon. 273-302.
- Basilius Groen. 2018/2019. “The Interplay of Hebrew, Greek and Latin in Christian Worship during the First Millennium: Some Views.” Ökumenisches Forum /Journal for Ecumenical and Patristic Studies. Vol. 40/41: 39-62.
- Basilius Groen. 2017. “Liturgical Language and Vernacular Tongues in Eastern Christianity.” In Sanctifying Texts, Transforming Rituals: Encounters in Liturgical Studies – Essays in Honour of Gerard A.M. Rouwhorst, eds. Paul van Geest, Marcel Poorthuis and Els Rose, Vol. 5, 407-424. Leiden: Brill’s Studies in Catholic Theology.
- Basilius Groen. 2014. “Überlegungen zur Sprache in den liturgischen Büchern.” Heiliger Dienst. Vol. 6: 257-265.
- Basilius Groen, Steven Hawkes-Teeples, and Stefanos Alexopoulos. 2013. Studies on the Liturgies of the Christian East: Selected Papers of the Third International Congress of the Society of Oriental Liturgy, Volos, May 26-30, 2010 (= Eastern Christian Studies, Vol. 18). Leuven: Peeters Publishing House.
- Basilius Groen, Anneliese Felber, and Michaela Sohn-Kronthaler, eds. 2012. Toleranz und Religionsfreiheit 311-2011: Internationales Symposium an der Katholisch-Theologischen Fakultät der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Vol. 144. (= Spudasmata, Vol. 144). Hildesheim: Olms.
- Basilius Groen. 2012. “ ‘Glory to the Holy Trinity’: Trinitarian Theology of the Byzantine Liturgical and Spiritual Tradition.” The Journal of Eastern Christian Studies. Vol. 64: 201-251.
- Caroline Gruenbaum. 2021. “The Quest for the ‘Charity Dish’: Interpretation in the Hebrew Arthurian Translation Melekh Artus (1279, Northern Italy).” Medieval Encounters 26, no. 6 (February 11, 2021): 517–42.
- Caroline Gruenbaum. 2020. “‘It Must Be Read Backwards’: Christians Reading Hebrew in A Thirteenth-Century English Psalter (Oxford, Bodl. Or. 621).” Early Middle English. Vol. 2, No. 1: 33-52.
- Guillaume-Pey, Cécile. 2021 “A Script ‘‘good to drink’’ The invention of writing systems among the Sora and other tribes of India”, In P. Steele, P. Boyes & N. E. Astoreca (eds.) The Social and Cultural Contexts of Historic Writing Practices, Oxbow books, Oxford : 159-185.
- Cécile Guillame-Pey. 2019. ‘‘Tracer des désirs et contraindre les dieux. Production et circulation d’images rituelles chez les Sora.’’ Des techniques pour croire, Archives des Sciences Sociales des Religions. No. 187: 77-102.
- Cécile Guillame-Pey. 2019. “Embodying spirits from paintings to script: Ritual change among the Sora.” Encyclopedia of Religions of Indigenous People of South Asia, dir. Carrin & Rousseleau, BRILL.
- Cécile Guillame-Pey. 2017. ‘‘Corps de pierres, chants et grognements’’ In La puissance divine à l’épreuve du comparatisme : constructions, variations et réseaux relationnels, eds. Bonnet, Belayche, Albert-Llorca, Avdeef, Massa, Slobodzianek. Bibliothèque de l’Ecole des Hautes Etudes, Sciences Religieuses (BEHE-SR) : 213-229.
- Cécile Guillame-Pey. 2016. ‘‘Les Pots-esprits et leurs maisons. Etude d’un complexe d’objets rituels chez les Sora.’’ La force des objets – Matières à expériences. Actions rituelles, médiations, substances, Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions. No. 174: 303-326.
- Cécile Guillame-Pey. 2015. “To paint, read or Xerox? The Reshaping of ritual knowledge among the Sora.’’ Annales de la Fondation Fyssen. No. 30: 11-30.
- Barbara Haggh-Huglo. 2023. “Arming the Duke of Burgundy: L’homme arme Revealed.” Revue belge de musicologie, 76, 33-58.
- Barbara Haggh-Huglo. 2021. “Medieval Offices from Ghent and Cambrai: Some Ways of Interpreting their Melodies.” In Historiae: Liturgical Chant for Offices of Saints in the Middle Ages. Proceedings of the Conference, Venice, Italy, 26-29 January 2017, ed. David Hiley with others, 179-222. Venice: Fondazione Levi.
- Barbara Haggh-Huglo. 2021. “The Dedication Liturgy of Cambrai Cathedral and its Chant in Some Pontificals and Processionals.” Etudes gregoriennes, 48, 39-52.
- Barbara Haggh-Huglo. 2018. Historia Sancti Hylarii Episcopi Pictaviensis (circa 816-930). Kitchener, Ontario, Canada : The Institute of Mediaeval Music.
- Barbara Haggh-Huglo. 2018. “Music and Migration as Opportunity: Examples from Ghent.” In Serendipia: migración como oportunidad, ed. Christian Wentzlaff-Eggebert, 109-127. Cologne: Arbeitskreis Spanien-Portugal-Lateinamerika.
Melanie Hill. 2024. “Preaching Without a Pulpit: Toward a Womanist Hermeneutic of Regeneration in Just Above My Head.”
“I Heard it Through the Grapevine: The Language of the Streets, Blues Literature, and the Church.”
Details on The James Baldwin Review
- Monique M. Ingalls, 2018. Singing the Congregation: How Contemporary Worship Music Forms Evangelical Community. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Moniuqe M. Ingalls. 2015. “Of Animatrons and Eschatology: Congregational Music, Mediation, and World-Making.” In Congregational Music Making and Community in a Mediated Age, eds. Anna Nekola and Tom Wagner, 249-258. Farnham, U.K. and Burlington, VT: Ashgate Press.
Ephrem Ishac. 2021. “Hidden Syrian Manuscripts at Yale.” In Tracing Written Heritage in a Digital Age, eds. Ephrem A. Ishac, Thomas Csanády and Theresa Zammit Lupi. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag.
- Tala Jarjour. 2018. Sense and Sadness: Syriac Chant in Aleppo. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Kanoi, Lav. 2024. Re-Constructing Restoration: A Critical Review of the Practice, Politics, and Process of Restoration in Diverse Ecologies. Environment and Society, Volume 15: Issue 1, September 2024. Details on Berghahn Journals
- Michele Karnes. 2022. Medieval Marvels and Fictions in the Latin West and Islamic World. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
- Michele Karnes. 2020. “The Possibilities of Medieval Fiction.” New Literary History, Vol. 51, No. 1, Winter 2020: 209-228.
- Nadieszda Kizenko. 2024. “Calendars, Prayerbooks, and Chatgroups from the Russian-Ukrainian War” Details on BYU Law
- Nadieszda Kizenko. 2023. “Religion und Gesellschaft in Ost und West (RGOW) 51 (2023), 9” Details on hsozkult.de
Kumar, Harini. 2024. An Eiffel Tower at Nagore: Material Religion and Spectacular Assemblages at a South Indian Sufi Shrine. Nidan: International Journal for Indian Studies, Volume 9, No. 2. Details on Heidelberg
Kumar, Harini. 2024. “Nation at Repair, Women at Work” : Kinship, Dissent, and Citizenship in South India. South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal. No. 32. Muslim Women in India. Details on Open Edition
- Ayla Lepine and Kate Jordan, eds. 2018. Modern Architecture and Religious Communities 1860-1970: Building the Kingdom. Abingdon-on-Thames, England, UK: Routledge.
- Ayla Lepine. 2017. “New Viewpoints on the Hereford Screen,” British Art Studies, (online: britishartstudies.ac.uk) No. 5: Spring 2017.
- Ayla Lepine and Maggie Dawn. 2017. “The Deluge 1920 by Winifred Knights.” Tate’s In Focus, March, 2017.
- Ayla Lepine. 2016. “Modern Gothic and the House of God: Revivalism and Monasticism in Two Twentieth-Century Anglican Chapels.” Visual Resources. Vol. 32: 76-101.
- Ayla Lepine. 2016. “Global Anglicanism’s Art & Architectural Revolution, 1829-1914.” In Oxford History of Anglicanism, Vol. 3, ed. Rowan Strong. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Ayla Lepine, Matt Lodder, and Rosalind McKever, eds. 2015. Revival: Memories, Identities, Utopias. London: Courtauld Books Online.
- Ayla Lepine. 2015. “Fabric of Devotion: William Quiller Orchardson’s The Story of a Life and Women Religious in Victorian Britain.” Yale MAVCOR. Winter 2015. Online.
- Ayla Lepine. 2015. “Anglo-American Modern Gothic: A. W. N. Pugin’s Impact on Ralph Adams Cram.” True Principles. Spring 2015.
- Ayla Lepine. 2015. “Upon This Rock: St Peter’s Church and Architectural Transformation.” In St Peter’s Church, New York, ed. Aaron Rosen. Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate.
- Ayla Lepine. 2014. “The Persistence of Medievalism: Kenneth Clark and the Gothic Revival.”Architectural History. Vol. 57, Autumn 2014.
Thomas Marks. 2022. “Singing Repentance in Lutheran Germany During the Thirty Years War (1618 - 1648).” Music and Letters. Volume 103, Issue 2: 226-263.
- Hugo Mendez. 2023. The Cult of Stephen in Jerusalem. Oxford University Press
- Hugo Mendez. 2017. “Stephen the Martyr (Acts vi-viii) in the Early Jerusalem Lectionary System.” Journal of Ecclesiastical History. Volume 68, Issue 1: 22–39.
- Hugo Mendez. 2017. “He Spoke… Forever: A Hebrew Idiom in Luke 1:55.” Biblica Vol. 98: 257–269.
- Ramez Mikhail. 2020. “‘We will Enter into His Dwelling Place’: Reconstructing the History of the Chants at the Transfer of the Gifts in Egypt.” In Let us be Attentive! Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress of the Society of Oriental Liturgy Prešov (Slovakia), 9–14 July 2018, eds. Martin Lüstraeten, Brian Butcher, and Steven Hawkes-Teeples, 173-187. Münster: Aschendorff.
- Ramez Mikhail. 2020. “The Presentation of the Lamb: The Prothesis and Preparatory Rites of the Coptic Liturgy.” In Studies in Eastern Christian Liturgies. Münster: Aschendorff Verlag.
- Ramez Mikhail. 2019. “Prostrating, Processing, and Burying: The Human Body and its Participation in the Coptic Tradition for Great Friday.” In Le corps humain dans la liturgie: 65e Semaine d’études liturgiques, Paris, Institut Saint-Serge, 2–5 juillet 2018, eds. André Lossky, Goran Sekulovski, and Thomas Pott, 179-191. Studia Oecumenica Friburgensia 90. Münster: Aschendorff.
- Ramez Mikhail. 2018.“The Liturgy Coram Patriarcha Revisited: The Prothesis of the Coptic Patriarchal Liturgy in Sources of the 15th–16th Centuries.” Le Muséon. Vol. 131, No. 3–4: 279–312.
Neus, Carla. 2023. Theatre Journal, Volume 75, Issue 4, December 2023. Details on Theatre Journal
- Catalina Ospina. 2023. “Indigenous Knowledge and Women’s Cosmetics: Mopa Mopa in the Colonial Northern Andes”. Art History, Volume 46, Issue 5, November 2023, Pages 918–945. Details on Art History
- Catalina Ospina. 2024. “Between sombreros and diadems: a pictorial testament from colonial central Mexico”. Colonial Latin American Review, Volume 33, Issue 2. Details on Colonial Latin American Review
- Claire Pamment. 2019. “Performing Piety in Pakistan’s Transgender Rights Movement.” TSQ 1, August 2019, Vol. 6, No. 3: 297–314.
- Claire Pamment. 2017. Comic Performance in Pakistan: The Bhānd. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Claire Pamment. December 2016. “Teesri Dhun (The Third Tune).” Performance tour produced by Olomopolo Media, funded by Danish Centre for Culture and Development [CKU]. Alhamara, Lahore, Pakistan.
- Aaron Rosen. 2015. Religion and Art in the Heart of Modern Manhattan: St. Peter’s Church and the Louise Nevelson Chapel. Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate. Routledge paperback edition, 2018.
- Aaron Rosen. 2016. Art and Religion in the 21st Century. London: Thames & Hudson.
- David Sperber. 2024. “Tikkun Olam”: Helene Aylon’s ecofeminist ritual art. Journal of Aesthetics & Culture Vol. 17, 2025 Issue 1. Details on Taylor & Francis
- David Sperber. 2024. “Art, Feminism, and Religious Rituals: Ecofeminism and Helene Aylon’s Court Trial. Art Journal Vol.83 Issue 3: p53-71. Details on Art Journal
- David Sperber. 2021. “A Tale of a Woman and a Robe” Institutional Criticism of the Israeli Rabbinical Establishment - The Art of Nurit Jacobs Yinon.” Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion. Vol. 37, No. 1 (Spring 2021), pp. 63-85. Indiana University Press.
- David Sperber. Devoted Assistance: Jewish-Feminine Art in Israel and the United States, Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 2021.
- David Sperber. 2020. “Helène Aylon, ‘Self Portrait: The Unmentionable,’ 2005.” The female side of God: Visual Representations of a Suppressed Tradition (cat.), The Jewish Museum Frankfurt. 60-65.
- David Sperber. 2020. “Reclaiming Feminine Spirituality and Ritual in the Art of Mierle Laderman Ukeles.” The female side of God: Visual Representations of a Suppressed Tradition (cat.), The Jewish Museum Frankfurt. 234-264.
- David Sperber. 2020. “Devoted Resistance: The Jewish Religious Art of Nechama Golan.” Journal Third Text. Published online: 20 Nov 2020.
- David Sperber. 2020. “Contemporary Orthodox Jewish Feminist Art in Israel: Insitutional Criticism of the Rabbinical Establishment,” Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies, SPECIAL ISSUE: The Feminist Art of Religious Women (Purdue University Press), 38 (2) (2020), 191–228. Also in Hebrew, 2021, “Institutional Criticism of the Rabbinical Establishment in the Work of Zionist-Religious Artists in Israel,” RELIGIOUS ZIONISM: HISTORY, THOUGHT, SOCIETY 5 (2021), 239–265.
- David Sperber. 2019. “Mikva Dreams: Judaism, Feminism, and Maintenance in the Art of Mierle Laderman Ukeles.” Panorama: Journal of the Association of Historians of American Art 5, no. 2 (Fall 2019), 1–22.
- David Sperber. 2019. “Erasures of Jewish Identity? Jewish Consciousness in the United States in Light of the Study of Jewish Art.” (Hebrew). Identities (The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute), Vol. 9: 135–143.
- David Sperber. 2019. “‘The Liberation of G-d’: Helène Aylon’s Jewish Feminist Art.” Images: A Journal of Jewish Art and Visual Culture (Brill Press). Vol. 12, No. 1: 122–133.
- David Sperber. 2019. “The Fear of Religionization of Israeli Cultural Worlds: Response to Horit Herman Peled and Yoav Peled.” Images: A Journal of Jewish Art & Visual Culture (Brill Press). Vol. 12, No. 1: 222–224.
- David Sperber. 2019. “Yoav Peled and Horit Herman-Peled, The Religionization of Israeli Society. New York: Routledge. 238pp.” Images: A Journal of Jewish Art & Visual Culture (Brill Press). Vol. 12, No. 1: 214–219.
- David Stowe. 2018. “Reggae’s sacred roots and call to protest injustice.” The Conversation. 29 June 2018.
- David Stowe. 2017. “Why a 2,500-year-old Hebrew poem still matters.” The Conversation. 27 July 2017.
- David Stowe. 2017. “Why on July 4 should we remember the psalm ‘By the Rivers of Babylon.’” The Conversation. 30 June 2017.
- David Stowe. 2017. “Songs of worship: why we sing to the Lord.” The Conversation. 9 February 2017.
- David Stowe. 2016. Song of Exile: The Enduring Mystery of Psalm 137. Oxford University Press.
- David Stowe. 2014. “History, Memory, and Forgetting in Psalm 137.” In The Bible in the Public Square, eds. Mark A. Chancey, Carol Meyers, and Eric M. Meyers, 137-57. Atlanta: SBL Press.
- James Sykes and Gavin Steingo, eds. 2019. Remapping Sound Studies. Durham: Duke University Press.
- James Sykes. 2019. “Sound Studies, Difference, and Global Concept History.” In Remapping Sound Studies, ed. Jim Sykes and Gavin Steingo. Durham: Duke University Press.
- James Sykes. W/Gavin Steingo. 2019. “Introduction: Remapping Sound Studies.” In Remapping Sound Studies, ed. Jim Sykes and Gavin Steingo. Durham: Duke University Press.
- James Sykes. 2018. “Ontologies of acoustic endurance: rethinking wartime sound and listening.” Sound Studies. pp. 35-60.
- James Sykes. 2018. “On the Sonic Materialization of Buddhist History: Drum Speech in Southern Sri Lanka.” Analytical Approaches to World Music. Vol. 7, No. 1: 1-78.
- James Sykes. 2018. “South Asian Drumming Beyond Tala: The Problem with ‘Meter’ in Buddhist Sri Lanka.” Analytical Approaches to World Music. Vol. 6, No. 2: 1-50.
- James Sykes. 2018. The Musical Gift: Sonic Generosity in Post-War Sri Lanka. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Baby Varghese. 2021. The Early History of the Syriac Liturgy: Growth, Adaptation and Inculturation. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag Publishers.
- Baby Varghese. 2016. “Family Prayers for the Great Lent and the Passion Week, (Compiled).” Kottayam, India: MOC Publications.
- Baby Varghese. 2016. “Mia Physite Christology and the Oriental Orthodox Churches.” In Cristianesimo nella storia. 37-1: 31-44. Bologna, Italy: Fondazione per le scienze religiose.
- Baby Varghese. 2016. “Baptism and Chrismation, Revised Edition.” 98. Kottayam, India: MOC Publications.
- Baby Varghese. 2016. “The Anaphora of St James: History and Theology.” 207. Kottayam, India: MOC Publications.
- Baby Varghese. 2016. “Christ in Syrian Orthodox Liturgy.” In The Dialogue Between the Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox Churches, ed. Christine Chaillot, 363-377. Volos, Greece: Volos Academy Publications.
- Baby Varghese. 2016. “Bar Hebraeus: Mnarat Qudshe: Sixth base on the Earthly Priesthood.” The Harp. XXX: 147-229.
- Baby Varghese. 2016. “A Brief History of the Theological Education in the Malankara Orthodox Church.” In Pazaya Seminary: Charithravum Sakshyavum Old Seminary: History and Witness, eds. O.Thomas & John Thomas, 90-138. Kottayam, India: Orthodox Theological Seminary.
- Baby Varghese. 2016. “The Syriac Julian Romance and early Syriac Liturgical Traditions.” The Harp. XXXI: 265-290.
- Baby Varghese. 2015. “From East to the West: Introduction of the West Syriac Liturgy among the Saint Thomas Christians on the Malabar Coast.” The Journal of the Malankara Orthodox Theological Studies. II-2, 18-38.
- Baby Varghese. 2015. “The So-called Persian Crosses in South India: State of Research.” In Christen in der islamischen Welt. Festschrift für Martin Tamcke zum 60.Geburstag, eds. Sidney H.Griffith & Sven Grebenstein, 389-399. Wiesbaden, Germany: Harrossowitz.
- Baby Varghese. 2014. “Book of Guides (Hudaya) or Nomocanon by Gregorios Bar Hebraeus, English Translaltion with Introduction and notes.” Kottayam, India: MOC Publications.
- Baby Varghese. 2014. Moses Bar Kepha: Commentary on Myron, Syriac Text with English Translation, introduction and notes. Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press.
- Baby Varghese. 2014. “Order of the Anointing of the Sick, Known as the Service of Qandilo, English Translation.” Kottayam, India: MOC Publications.