As an international center for sacred music, worship, and the related arts, the Institute sponsors about 100 concerts, recitals, conferences, lectures, exhibits, films, and special events each year and is an active partner in the worship life of Yale’s many chapels.
Talks, Lectures and Lecture Series
Past Event: Panel DIscussion | American Islam
Hallowed Ground? American Islam and the Politics of Space. A scholarly panel will examine, contextualize, and historicize underlying assumptions…
Past Event: Literature & Spirituality | Wonder Reborn, Creating Sermons on Hymns, Music, and Poetry
Wonder Reborn, Creating Sermons on Hymns, Music, and Poetry. Readings, with music of Fauré and Bach performed by Institute of Sacred Music students
Past Event: Literature & Spirituality | Robert Pinsky
Robert Pinsky, poet, Poet Laureate (1997-2000). Readings followed by a book-signing and a reception.