Battell Chapel Organ

Walter Holtkamp, IV/54, 1951

In 1951 Walter Holtkamp built one of his most important organs for Battell Chapel. The Transept Organ (Ellen Battell Stoeckel Memorial) and Apse Organ (Thorne Family Memorial) can be played from consoles in either location.

Battel Chapel at Yale

The Ellen Battell Stoeckel Memorial Organ

Organ Specification

III/54 by Walter Holtkamp, Op. 1653
Cleveland, OH (1951)
Electro-pneumatic action

Download the specifications

Great: 61 notes (3”)

Quintadena 16’  61m
Principal 8’  61m
Gedackt 8’  61m
Octave 4’  61m
Spitzflöte 4’  61m
Quinte 2 2/3’  61m
Super Octave 2’  61m
Mixture IV  244m
Scharf III  183m
Dulzian 16’  61m
Trumpet 8’  61m

Swell: 61 notes (3.5”)

Geigen Principal 8’ 61m
Rohrflöte 8’  61w&m
Gemshorn 8’  61m
Gemshorn Celeste 8’ 56m
Octave Geigen 4’  61m
Gedackt 4’  61m
Flautino 2’  61m
Larigot 1 1/3’  61m
Sesquialtera II  122m
Plein Jeu IV  244m
Basson 16’  61m
Fagott 8’   61m
Rohr Schalmei 4’  61m
*Cymbelstern (toe stud only)

Positiv: 61 notes (3.5”)

Copula 8’  61w&m
Principal 4’  61m
Rohrflöte 4’   61m
Nazard 2 2/3’  61m
Doublette 2’  61m
Tierce 1 3/5’  61m
Fourniture III  183m
Cromorne 8’ [copper] 61m

Pedal: 32 notes (3.5”)

Principal 16’  32m
Subbass 16’  32w
Quintadena 16’ (from Great)
Octave 8’  32m
Bourdon Dolce 8’ 32w
Choralbass 4’  32m
Hohlflöte 4’  32m
Nachthorn 2’  32m
Mixture III  96m
Posaune 16’  32m
Dulzian 16’ (from Great) 
Trumpet 8’  32m
Clarion 4’ (ext. 8’) 12m
Cornet 2’  32m

Apse great: 61 notes (3.5”)

Gedackt 8’  61w
Principal 4’  61m
Spitzflöte 4’  61m
Larigot 1 1/3’  61m

Apse positiv: 61 notes (3.5”)

Quintadena 8’  61m
Rohflöte 4’   61m
Principal 2’  61m
Cymbal II  122m
Apse Pedal: 61 notes (3.5”)
Quintadena 16’  32m
Gedackt 8’  32m
Choralbass 4’  32m


Great to Pedal
Swell to Pedal
Positiv to Pedal
Swell to Great 16’, 8’
Positiv to Great 16’, 8’
Swell to Positiv
Swell to Swell 16’

Transept Organ On
Apse Organ On


16 General
1-12 duplicated by toe studs
General Cancel
5 Pedal (toe studs)
8 Swell
8 Great
8 Positiv


Great to Pedal
Positiv to Pedal
Swell to Great
*Positiv Tremulant

*added by Aubrey Thompson-Allen

Expression pedals:

Balanced Swell Pedal
Balanced Crescendo Pedal