Camerata Managers

There are two or three Camerata Student Managers each year. These positions are held by choral conducting students.

Report to: Camerata Conductor and Concert Production Coordinator

Ongoing duties:

  • Attend weekly meeting with Camerata Conductor and Concert Production Coordinator to discuss upcoming rehearsals and concerts
  • Prepare rehearsal seating charts, which change weeldy
  • Assist with the distribution and collection of music
  • Prepare and strike the rehearsal space
  • Keep note of what is rehearsed
  • Take markings for all voice parts
  • Make announcements at rehearsals
  • Contribute photographs and news items for Camerata social media

Special duties:

  • In August, publicize choral auditions by distributing flyers
  • In August, help prepare packets of music and handouts
  • Publicize upcoming Camerata performances at ISM Colloquium if Camerata Conductor is not present
  • On concert days, act as stage manager, including
    • Arrive early to set up and stay after to strike venues
    • Manage the performers’ use of the performance space, including
      • managing the green room
      • locating and managing a space where performers can securely leave coats, cases, and personal belongings during the performance
      • organizing the chorus’s entry and exit from the stage
      • arranging the chorus on stage so that everyone can see the conductor
      • marking (taping) the stage, particularly if performing with an orchestra, so that set-up is identical at each rehearsal and performance
    • Carry at least 2 extra sets of music

Payroll: This position reports time hourly each week in the online Student Employee system