Camerata Social Media Assistant

There is one Camerata Social Media Assistant each year.

Report to: Concert Production Coordinator and ISM Assistant for Publications and Communications

Expected time commitment: S hours per week

Ongoing duties:

  • Be available to attend Camerata rehearsals, regularly on Tuesday evenings and more often during concert weeks and special events
  • Take photos at rehearsals, concerts, and special events
  • Create a minimum of 3 Facebook/Instagram posts per week
  • Arrange account takeovers with Camerata members
  • Create bio videos of selected Camerata members to promote sharing across personal profiles
  • In August, create posts to promote choral auditions
  • Before each concert, create posts to promote attendance at the performance
  • As this new position evolves, additional responsibilities may be added

Payroll: This position reports time hourly each week in the online Student Employee system