Concert Usher

Report to: Concert Production Assistant

Special duties:

  • Arrive at the specified time and report to the house manager
  • Help set up the auditorium
  • Familiarize yourself with the venue so that you can give directions, especially to restrooms and exits
  • Familiarize yourself with the run time of the concert and intermission so that you can answer questions
  • Help with program preparation, including adding inserts if needed
  • Welcome the audience to the concert and distribute programs
  • If the house is crowded, guide patrons to open seats
  • Ten minutes before concert time, remove Reserved Seating signs and open reserved seats to the general public
  • If the house is crowded, ten minutes before concert time start ushering patrons to seats that other patrons are holding for a companion

Payroll: This position reports time hourly each week in the online Student Employee system; verify that you submit hours to the ISM, not YSM