Director of Marquand Chapel Choir

The conducting faculty, in consultation with the Dean of Marquand Chapel and the Director of Chapel Music, select two conductors who share this position.

Report to: The Dean of Marquand Chapel and the Director of Chapel Music

Ongoing duties:

  • Planning
    • Study previous year’s anthems and congregational songs to understand the particular nature of worship at Marquand Chapel
    • Plan the choir’s repertoire in accord with the liturgical calendar; produce a full list of anthems with texts and translations early each semester, for the entire semester if possible, in conversation with the Dean and the Director of Chapel Music
    • Book the rehearsal space with Tim Goselin in YDS (
    • Attend weekly Chapel team meetings as determined by the Dean of Chapel
    • After receiving approval from the Dean of Chapel and the Director of Chapel Music, arrange for instrumentalists as needed
    • Train choir members to cantor for worship
    • Plan carefully with the organist to be sure that he/she can prepare and perform anthem accompaniments and provide them with music in a regular and agreed upon time frame
  • Choir Personnel
    • Plan auditions as early as possible in the fall for membership in the choir, and coordinate with Yale choral auditions and the Director of the Program in Conducting
    • Actively recruit for the choir within the Chapel community and various musical organizations on campus
      • Attend University and various YDS orientation events (such as Before the Fall Orientation, or BTFO) to recruit choir members
      • Hand out printed schedule with rehearsal and service times and dates for first semester at BTFO
    • Prepare announcements of auditions in advance for the Chapel bulletin
    • As soon as membership is decided, submit a list of choir personnel to the Dean of Chapel’s office for payroll purposes
    • Supervise the choir members in submitting their weekly hours
    • Every Monday by noon, approve choir members’ hours
    • Follow up with the ISM Finance office on any discrepancies regarding payment
    • Keep track of and submit singers’ logged working hours.
    • Coordinate with pastors on any special expenditures (orchestras, Holy Week, etc.)
  • Services
    • Library
      • Prepare for and lead the weekly choir rehearsal, normally held on Sunday evenings Prepare for and lead Thursday Sung Morning Prayer services, Friday communion services, the Advent service, Commencement Worship, and Baccalaureate.

Ensure that all music borrowed from the ISM choral library is returned

Regular Rehearsals and Services:

Service Day Time
Rehearsal Sunday evenings 6:45pm - 8: 15pm

Sung Morning Prayer


Thursday mornings

10:30am rehearsal

11:30am service

Community Eucharist Friday mornings 9:00am rehearsal 10:30am service

Special Services:

Service Description
YDS Advent Service Usually l5’ Wed. in December
Easter Big Hymn Sing Usually in the week following Easter
Convocation/ Commencement

On the Sunday and Monday of Commencement weekend

  • 4:00pm service, (rehearsal time to be arranged with Director of Chapel Music)
  • 8:00am service on the morning of Commencement (quartet of section leaders)

Payroll: This position is paid with a one-time stipend payment each semester