Past Event: Conference | Sacred Arts in North American Contexts

burnt papers in rubble

This event has passed.

Location: Sterling Divinity Quadrangle (SDQ), Niebuhr Hall, RSV Room, SG58
409 Prospect St.
New Haven, CT 06511

Open To: General Public

Admission: Free

Description: The myriad arrays of religious traditions in North America have given rise to an equally diverse range of artistic expressions. These are informed by practices shaped by individuals and communities past and present, often calling notions of normatively, canon, and authority into question.

This Yale session of our symposium lays out a series of case studies that demonstrate a range of these practices, both within and without specific liturgical contexts. We set these in close conversation with the work done by our colleagues in Paris, Strasbourg, and Florence, and look forward to a lively exchange of ideas.

Part of The Arts and Ecumenism: What Theology Risks in Artistic Creation, a 5-part symposium hosted by the Institut Catholique, Paris; Faculté de Théologie Protestante, Université de Strasbourg; Facoltà Teologica dell’Italia Centrale e Opera de Santa Maria del Fiore, Firenze; the ISM; and the Community of Jesus, Orleans, Massachusetts.

Friday afternoon, October 20, 2017

Aesthetics and Risk

1:30 pm | Welcome

1:45 pm | Report on the Paris, Strasbourg, and Florence Sessions

Mons. Timothy Verdon (Stanford in Florence, Museo dell’Opera del Duomo)
Prof. Jérôme Cottin (University of Strasbourg)
Prof. Denis Hétier (Institut Catholique, Paris)

2:15 pm | Modern Poetry and the Language of Faith

Prof. Christian Wiman (Yale University)

2:45 pm | Break

3:15 pm | The Aesthetic Formation of Interfaith Identities: The Case of Zapatista Women

Prof. William Dyrness (Fuller Theological Seminary)

3:45 pm | The Tutiorism of Risk and the Aesthetics of Worship: Theological Risk-Taking in Ecumenical Worship

Prof. Maggi Dawn (Yale University)

4:15 pm | Enchantment and Contemporary Art

Prof. Jeffrey Kosky, theologian (Washington and Lee University)

4:45 pm | Discussion*

5:30 | End of Session

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Saturday morning, October 21, 2017

Twentieth- and Twenty-first-century Situations

8:45 am | Coffee and greeting

9:00 am | The English Protestant Imagination – Part Two (20th-21st centuries)

Prof. Ben Quash (King’s College, London)

9:30 am | The Advent of Urban Praise and Worship
Prof. Josef Sorett (Columbia University)

10:00 am | How a Quaker Metropolis Became an Orthodox Village: Material Christianity in Philadelphia’s Greektown, 1900-1930
Prof. Kostis Kourelis (Franklin and Marshall College)

10:30 am | Break

11:00 am - Material Establishment and the Politics of Sacred Space in Hawaii

Prof. Sally M. Promey (Yale University)

11:30 am | Ecumenical Collaboration and Making Art Today
Susan Kanaga, CJ (artist, Community of Jesus)
Filippo Rossi (artist, Archdiocese of Florence, Stanford University [Florence], and Mount Tabor Ecumenical Centre for Art and Spirituality, Barga)

12:00 pm | Closing discussion*

12:45 pm | Conference ends

*General interlocutors/respondents from Yale faculty: Professors John Hare,  Peter Hawkins, Vasileios Marinis, David Mahan