Past Event: Liturgy Symposium Series | Ramez Mikhail

Ramez Mikhail

This event has passed.

Open To: General Public

Admission: Free

Location: ISM Great Hall, 409 Prospect Street, New Haven

Description: The Preparation and Presentation of the Gifts in Egypt: Reflections and Prospects

Ramez Mikhail has recently completed his Ph.D. in advanced theological studies, with an emphasis on liturgical studies and sacramental theology at the Faculty of Catholic Theology of the University of Vienna in Austria. His research focuses on the historical development and theology of the Coptic liturgical tradition, and particularly the Eucharistic liturgy. He has written a number of articles on related topics, such as the practice of Eucharistic reservation, the survival of magical practices in the Coptic rite, liturgical vestments, and the papal liturgy in medieval Egypt. He is currently preparing his dissertation, defended summa cum laude in June 2017, for publication.