Location: St. James’ Church
865 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10021
Admission: Free
Open to: General Public
Description: David Hill, conductor with members of Yale Baroque Ensemble
The Harmoniemesse was Haydn’s final creation. It brings all of the composer’s strengths and accomplishments together in one masterful work: the four-part writing for the vocal soloists reflects his influential string quartet style; the orchestral passages carry the weight of his late symphonies; and the choral style bears the influence of Handel’s oratorios. This Mass was also Haydn’s final composition for the Esterházy family, whom he had served faithfully for over forty years.
Also on the program:
- Mozart: Splendente te, Deus
- Mendelssohn: Psalm 43 ‘Richte mich Gott’
- Mendelssohn: Psalm 115 ‘Nicht unserm namen’