Thinking Theologically about Our Response to COVID

How, in funeral homilies, liturgy, music, and pastoral conversations, do we help people of faith understand how God is present in this time?


Thomas G. Long

Author of Accompany Them with Singing–The Christian Funeral; Bandy Professor Emeritus of Preaching, Candler School of Theology, Emory University


Dawn DeVries
J.N. Thomas Professor of Systematic Theology, Union Presbyterian Seminary

Rev. Michael L. Lewis, S.T.L.
Parochial Vicar, St. Mark’s Catholic Church, El Paso, TX; COVID-19 Ministry Team, Diocese of El Paso

The Rev. Kevin Park
English Ministry Pastor, Korean Central Presbyterian Church of Atlanta

The Rev. Khalia J. Williams
Assoc. Dean of Worship and Music; Assoc. Professor in the Practice of Worship, Candler School of Theology, Emory University