Stefan Parkman appointed as interim conductor of Yale Schola Cantorum and visiting professor of choral conducting

Monday, March 25, 2024
Stefan Parkman, choral conductor

The Yale Institute of Sacred Music and the Yale School of Music have been deeply engaged in a search for the next principal conductor of Yale Schola Cantorum and professor of choral conducting. Like many senior searches at Yale, the schedule for this one will outstrip the confines of the current academic year and will extend into the next. So, we are especially delighted to announce the appointment of Stefan Parkman as visiting professor of choral conducting and interim conductor of Yale Schola Cantorum for the 2024-2025 academic year. His appointment will begin on September 1.

One of the world’s most highly respected choral conductors, Parkman has held the positions of chief conductor of the WDR Radio Choir Cologne, the Danish National Radio Choir, the Swedish Radio Choir, the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Choir, and the Uppsala Cathedral Boys’ Choir. He was artistic director of the Academy Chamber Choir of Uppsala 1983-2023 and is a frequent and sought-after collaborator with major choirs and orchestras across Europe. He has also conducted ensembles in Japan, Australia, and the United States. His extensive discography includes recordings for Chandos, Dacapo Records, Footprint and Coviello Classics.

“Imagining Yale Schola Cantorum without David Hill at the helm is a sadness to all of us,” said ISM director Martin Jean. “He has been an inspirational leader and a cherished colleague in every way. That said, we are confident of continued strength in our choral program and grateful to the eminent Stefan Parkman for his colleagueship in the year to come.”

Stefan Parkman held the Eric Ericson professorship in choral conducting at Uppsala University from 1999-2021. After his retirement, he was visiting professor of choral conducting at Universität der Künste, Berlin, and this academic year he is visiting professor of choral conducting at the Hochschule für Musik (conservatory) in Dresden. Parkman is also serving as the conductor of the Dresdner Kammerchor in four programs for their 2023-2024 touring season.

Parkman was vice president of the Royal Swedish Academy of Music from 2016-2021 and he frequently teaches in masterclasses, seminars, and workshops in Sweden and abroad. In 1997, he was made Knight of the Dannebrog Order by Queen Margrethe II of Denmark and received the Litteris et Artibus Medal from His Majesty the King Carl XVI Gustaf in 2012.