Yale Journal of Music and Religion celebrates one hundred thousand downloads

Wednesday, March 13, 2024
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The Yale Journal of Music and Religion (YJMR) is celebrating an important milestone—one hundred thousand downloads! A forum for the study of sacred music in all its ritual, artistic, and cultural contexts, the YJMR is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal that publishes scholarship on religious music of all traditions across a range of methodologies, situating it within the worlds of beliefs and practices. Over its ten years in existence, the journal has addressed topics as wide-ranging as wide-ranging as Chöd meditation practices in Tibetan Buddhism, the harmonium in Sikh kirtan, and motivic connections in contemporary gospel music across the African Diaspora.

Editor-in-Chief, Jeffers Engelhardt, professor of music at Amherst College, said “this is a moment to celebrate the possibilities of open-access publishing and the extraordinary contributions YJMR authors, reviewers, editors, and production staff have made to a community of readers across the globe.”

View current and past issues of YJMR here.