Payroll Assistant

Report to: Manager of Music Programs & Concert Production and ISM Business Office

Ongoing duties:

  • At the start of the fall term, arrange a meeting with Liz Santamaria ( in the Business Office for payroll system orientation
  • Consult regularly with conductors and managers of paid ensembles about who should get paid for what hours
  • Assist the Business Office to ensure that all hired musicians are paid correctly and on time. Paid musicians include
    • singers in Rep Chorus
    • singers in Recital Chorus
    • accompanists for student choruses
    • instrumentalists in each of the four Recital Chorus orchestras
    • instrumentalists in the spring-term Rep Chorus concert
    • singers in Marquand Chapel Choir
    • singers in Battell Chapel Choir
  • Ensure that all hired musicians (vendors) are given any required tax forms, and that these are promptly completed and returned to the Business Office
  • Every Monday by noon, approve student employees’ timesheets in the online Student Employee system

Pay scale:

  • Rate of pay for choral ensembles:
    • $15.75/hour for chorus singers
    • $20/hour for section leaders, one per section
  • Rate of pay for ensemble instrumentalists:
    • $25/hour

Payroll: This position reports time hourly each week in the online Student Employee system