The Literature & Spirituality Series focuses on the religious dimension of literary works and the theological ramifications of their study to help make connections between theological content and literary form, e.g. narrative, poetry, memoir, epistle, fragment, and song, with the intention of better understanding how the arts voice theological ideas.
Literature & Spirituality
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Past Event: More Things in Heaven: A Poetry Reading by David Yezzi
A poetry reading by David Yezzi, to be followed by a discussion with Christian Wiman.
Past Event: Under One Roof: A Liturgically Inflected Poetry Reading and Conversation
Experience a reading and conversation featuring acclaimed poet couples Danielle Chapman, Christian Wiman, John Murillo, and Nicole Sealey.
Past Event: "Hotly in Pursuit of the Real" | A Reading and Conversation with Ron Hansen
The Lana Schwebel Memorial Lecture in Religion and Literature.