Ephrem Aboud Ishac, headshot

Ephrem Aboud Ishac

2022-2023 Fellow

Born in Syria, Ephrem Aboud Ishac holds a Ph.D. in Syriac Liturgy from the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik, Lebanon. As a scholar on the 7th Century Christian bishop and writer Jacob of Edessa, he brings to the ISM Fellowship his doctoral dissertation, written in Arabic, on the Anaphora of Jacob of Edessa, which he will rework and prepare for publication in English, including research and reflections on the theological, eschatological, and historical aspects of the text. Ephrem teaches liturgy and Syriac language at the University of Salzburg and the Central European University in Vienna, Austria, focusing on critical issues in the current Syriac liturgical practice and initiating an academic vision for liturgical reform.