Phoebe Rendon-Nissenbaum - M.A.R. Religion and Literature ’26

Phoebe Rendon-Nissenbaum

M.A.R. Religion and Literature ’26

Phoebe earned her B.A. at Smith College where she stumbled into the field of religion accidentally, but not surprisingly, through literature. Literature has always been synonymous with divinity in her life, but it wasn’t until her undergraduate years that she began to learn how to articulate this and was drawn to the ISM because it is a community of people who have a similar calling to the arts. Her interests lie in death literature and the ways we try to comprehend the grief/terror/euphoria/dread/hurt/relief surrounding the coming end. Three contemporary authors whose work have inspired her are Anne Carson, Marilynne Robinson, and Philip Pullman. When she’s not working, she’s usually hanging out with her dog Atlas, who is a lousy psychopomp, but a pretty good hiking buddy. 

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