The conducting faculty, in consultation with the Pastor of the University Church, select two second-year conductors who share this position.
Report to: The Pastor and Associate Pastor of the University Church in Yale (UCY), and the Director of Chapel Music
Ongoing duties:
- Planning
- Study previous year’s anthems and congregational songs to understand the particular nature of worship at UCY
- Plan the choir’s repertoire in accord with the liturgical calendar; produce a full list of anthems with texts and translations early each semester, for the entire semester
- Attend a weekly meeting with the worship planning team (pastors, organist, choral directors, liturgical coordinator, and intern) to plan music and liturgy for the entire worship service
- Arrange for a substitute on Sundays when there is a conflict, and compensate them appropriately if it is a stipend Sunday
- When budgets allow and the choir director is available, assemble soloists or ensembles for non-stipend Sundays or assist pastors in arranging a substitute choir director (for extra compensation per service)
- Arrange for instrumentalists as needed (especially, but not only, brass for Easter)
- Conduct a major choral work (either a cappella or choral-orchestral), approximately half an hour in length, that is integrated into the liturgy
- Consult with the pastors about the repertoire and schedule
- Hire any additional musicians required for this major work, and oversee their payment in consultation with the chapel administrators
- Work with the Episcopal Church at Yale (ECY) choir director and Yale/Luther House/UCY pastors to plan Advent Lessons and Carols
- Train choir members to cantor for worship, or arrange with the pastors for such training
- Plan carefully with the organist to be sure that he/she can prepare and perform anthem accompaniments
- Choir Personnel
- Plan auditions as early as possible in the fall for membership in the choir; coordinate with Yale choral auditions and Jeff Douma
- Actively recruit for the choir within musical organizations on campus (a cappella groups, professional schools, other choirs, etc.) as well as within the Church community
- Prepare announcements of auditions in advance for the church bulletin
- Meet with the Chaplain’s Office staff before the fall semester to discuss who can be hired to sing
- As soon as membership is decided, submit a list of choir personnel to the Chaplain’s Office for payroll purposes
- Supervise choir members in submitting their weekly hours
- Every Monday by noon, approve choir members’ hours
- Assist pastors with information about choir members for bulletins and events
- Follow up with the Chaplain’s Office on any discrepancies regarding payment
- Keep track of budgeted (weekly wages) and special (instrumentalists) expenditures, and ensure the choir remains within budget
- Coordinate with pastors on any special expenditures (orchestras, Holy Week, etc.)
- Services
- Prepare for and lead the weekly choir rehearsals (2 hours on Thursday evenings and before the service on Sunday mornings)
- Prepare for and lead all services and other special events
- Attend Sunday morning leaders’ talk-through (usually 8:40 am-9 am)
- Designate 15 minutes of Sunday morning rehearsal time to rehearse congregational music and cantors
- Library and Education
- Prepare occasional educational entries for the weekly bulletin
- Ensure that all music borrowed from ISM choral library is returned
Payroll: This position is paid with a one-time stipend payment each semester