Video Assistant

Report to: Manager of Music Programs & Concert Production

Ongoing duties:

  • Ensure that student conductors are video-recorded at all events in which they conduct, including Camerata rehearsal weekend
  • Maintain the video camera and report technical issues to the ISM Concert Production Office in a timely fashion
  • Upload students’ conducting footage to a cloud drive (Google Drive, Dropbox, or iCloud). The upload must be completed within 24 hours of the rehearsal or performance

Special duties:

  • For choral conducting recitals (including instrumental rehearsals), obtain a second camera from the Bass Media Library or the ISM Concert Production Office to give the conducting students a choice of footage
  • Set up and run the camera for auditions of new students, both choral conductors and the Voxtet

Payroll: This position reports time hourly each week in the online Student Employee system