Marquand Chapel Organ, Skinner

Marquand Chapel Organ

III/22 by Skinner Organ Co., Op. 866, 1931

Marquand Chapel is home to Opus 866 of the Skinner Organ Company, built in 1931 and restored in 1986.


Boston, MA (1931)
Electro-pneumatic action

Download full specifications

Great: 61 notes

First Diapason 8’  61m
Second Diapason 8’ 61m
Flute Harmonique 8’ 61m
Gemshorn 8’  61m
Octave 4’  61m

Swell: 61 notes, enclosed

Contra Gamba 16’ 73m
Diapason 8’  73m
Rohrflöte 8’  73m
Flute Celeste 8’ (I-II) 134m
Salicional 8’  73m
Voix Celeste 8’ 73m
Flute Triangulaire 4’ 73m
Mixture III  183m
Trumpet 8’  73m
Oboe 8’  73m

Choir: 61 notes, enclosed

Melodia 8’  73w&m
Dulciana 8’  73m
Unda Maris 8’ (TC) 61m
Flauto Traverso 4’ 73m
Clarinet 8’  73m

Pedal: 61 notes

Resultant 32’ (Diapason and Bourdon)
Diapason 16’  32w&m
Bourdon 16’  32w
Gamba 16’ (from Swell)
Octave 8’ (ext.Diap.) 12w&m
Flute 8’ (ext. Bour.) 12w
Cello 8’ (from Swell)


Great to Pedal 8’
Swell to Pedal 8’, 4’
Choir to Pedal 8’, 4’
Swell to Great 16’, 8’, 4’
Choir to Great 16’, 8’, 4’
Swell to Choir 16’, 8’, 4’
Swell to Swell 16’, 4’
Choir to Choir 16’, 4’


4 General and Cancel
4 Great and Cancel
5 Swell and Cancel
4 Choir and Cancel
4 Pedal and Cancel


Swell to Great
Choir to Great
Swell to Choir
Great to Pedal
   Duplicated by toe stud
Swell to Pedal
Choir to Pedal
  Duplicated by toe stud

Expression pedals:

Balanced Choir Pedal
Balanced Swell Pedal
Balanced Crescendo Pedal