All events will take place in the Miller Hall Common Room.
1:15–1:30 Symposium Opening
Dr. Martin Jean (Yale Institute of Sacred Music director)
1:30–3:30 Music and Architecture
A 1000-year Comparative Study of Byzantine Church Acoustics
Dr. Chris Kyriakakis (University of Southern California)
Architectural Acoustics and Historically Informed Performance Practices
Dr. Jonathan Berger (Stanford University)
Exploring Gorgora Iyaäsus’ Intangible Acoustic Cultural Heritage in the Christian Kingdom of 17th-Century Ethiopia
Dr. Janie Cole (University of Connecticut)
Experiencing Cultural Plurality in Medieval Sicily. Music, Rite, and Architecture of Siculo-Norman Sacred Spaces
Dr. Tobias Weißmann (Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz and Universität Zürich)
3:30–4:00 Coffee break
4:00–5:30 Sacred Space Acoustics in Non-Christian Spaces
Mapping Sound in Chauvet Cave: GIS, Auralizations, and Archaeological Meaning
Luna Valentin (Stanford University)
Resonating Rocks: The Acoustics of Hindu Cave Temples
Dr. Shashank Aswathanarayana (American University)
Researching the Soundscapes of North Saqqara at the Time of State Formation
Sergio Alarcón Robledo (Harvard University)