Location: ISM Great Hall
409 Prospect Street
New Haven, CT 06511
Admission: Free
Open to: General Public
Description: Frederick Franck: Drawings, Paintings, and Icons will be on display from September 20 through October 22 at the Yale Institute of Sacred Music, 409 Prospect St., in New Haven. Frederick Franck is an internationally renowned author, artist, and humanist. This exhibition draws from some fifty years of what he calls “image making,” with a focus on subjects that explore the common bonds of humanness and the hopeful reconciliation of mankind’s divisiveness.
“For nearly a century,” says the artist, “while remaining unaffiliated with any religious institution, I have been passionately concerned with the depth dimension of the human life process as I have observed it in myself and others. I came to see Being-as-such as the mystery of mysteries.” The images, therefore, aim to transcend specific religions and cultures – pointing to a transreligious and universal human sensibility and spirituality, an expression in symbolic form of the artist’s “constant wonder at this mystery of being here at all. With these images, then, I hope to convey what mere verbalizations of doctrine and dogma fail to communicate to so many people.”
A reception will be held to honor the artist and the exhibition on Thursday, September 23 from 4:30 – 6:30 pm at the Institute. Frederick Franck will also sign copies of his book Ode to the Human Face, just published by Codhill Press. The book-signing is presented as part of the Yale Literature and Spirituality Series in cooperation with the Yale Divinity Student Book Supply. Free parking is available.
The exhibition, presented with support from the Yale Divinity School.