Past Event: Art Exhibit | Home to Go

Adrian Paci home to go exhibit

This event has passed.

Location: ISM Great Hall
409 Prospect Street
New Haven

Open To: General Public

Admission: Free

Description: Exhibition and video installation by Adrian Paci. Reception Friday, September 16, 5:15 – 6 pm

Home to Go, a video installation and exhibition of photographs by Adrian Paci, will be on display weekdays 9am – 4pm from September 12 – 30 at the Yale Institute of Sacred Music at 409 Prospect Street in New Haven. The installation is free and open to the public. A reception for the artist will be held on Friday, September 16 at 5:15 pm. On that day the exhibition will be open continuously until 6 pm.

Adrian Paci is an Albanian multi-media artist currently based in Milan, Italy. His exhibitions include: Looking Awry curated by the Croatia-based collective WHW at apexart (2003); In the Gorges of the Balkans curated by René Block at the Kunsthalle Fridericianum, Kassel, Germany (2003); New Video, New Europe curated by Hamza Walker at the Tate Modern, London; and the Biennial of Seville, Spain, curated by Harald Szeemann (October 2004). In 2005 solo exhibitions of his work will be presented at Moderna Museet, Stockholm and the Contemporary Arts Museum in Houston.

Paci has been described as “aware of the leaks and impossibilities of our own experiencing of the most important aspects of common living, like death, encountering, narrating or sharing, and aims at approximating their realization for the viewer to raise the awareness of his/her limited perception of reality.” The exhibition in New Haven will be presented in conjunction with the conference Sex and Religion in Migration, which will explore the connections between sexual and religious identity in the increasingly globalized world of the 21st century. Paci’s work explores the bodily and religious dimension of displacement, and forces the viewer to confront the visual component of the larger theoretical discussion of displacement.