Location: Institute of Sacred Music
ISM Gallery of Sacred Arts
409 Prospect St.
New Haven, CT
Admission: Free
Open to: General Public
Description: Sacred Spaces in New Haven and Its Environs is an exhibition of photographs by Robert A. Lisak, representing forty houses of worship of diverse faith traditions. The photographs were taken as part of a larger project to produce a full color guidebook to historically and architecturally important places of worship in New Haven. Supported in part by a grant from the Community Foundation of Greater New Haven, the book is scheduled for fall 2008 release.
“I see the idea of constructing a sacred space,” says the photographer, “as a reflection of a communal aspiration to express spirituality and a conception of the holy. New Haven is blessed with a wonderful variety of these lovely and articulate spaces. My hope is that these photographs are a faithful documentation of this aspiration. They also represent my individual voice taking part in this communal conversation.”
There will be a reception in honor of the exhibition and the photographers on Thursday, October 18 from 4:30 – 6 in the Great Hall of the Institute at 409 Prospect St. Free parking is available. Both the exhibition and the reception are free and open to the public.
The exhibition is presented by Yale Institute of Sacred Music with support from Yale Divinity School, in conjunction with the conference Sacred Space: Architecture for Worship in the 21st Century being held October 25 – 26 at the Institute, and the symposium Constructing the Ineffable hosted by the School of Architecture October 26-27.