Past Event: Julie Gittoes | Anamnesis and the Eucharist in contemporary Anglican theology

Julie Gittoes, headshot

This event has passed.

Open To: General Public

Admission: Free

Location: ISM Great Hall, 409 Prospect Street, New Haven

Description: Anamnesis and the Eucharist in contemporary Anglican theology

Part of the 2008-2009 Liturgy Symposium Series

The concept of anamnesis (remembrance or memorial) acts as a language of connection which describes the integration of the historical, sacramental and ecclesial embodiments of Christ. The Eucharist looks back to the saving events of Christ’s life, death and resurrection; through that sacrament the Church is nourished with the body of Christ; participation in it anticipates the eschatological fulfillment of the Kingdom of God. 

I seek to explore the connection between the source event of the Church’s life and transformative encounter with Christ in the Eucharist, the effects of which are seen in social/ethical/political action and mission. This connection is enriched by the three contemporary Anglican theologians I engage with. David Ford, Catherine Pickstock and Rowan Williams each engage with the way in which the Eucharist shapes the life of the worshipping community as the body of Christ. Anamnesis is central to the relationship between Eucharist, transformation and mission.

Julie Gittoes is the Vicar of All Saints’, Hampton (UK)

Refreshments for the mind, body, and spirit will be served. Free and open to the public.