Past Event: Literature & Spirituality | Christian Wiman

Christian Wiman

This event has passed.

Location: Marquand Chapel
409 Prospect
New Haven, CT

Admission: Free

Open to: General Public

Description: The Lana Schwebel Memorial Lecture in Religion and Literature | Part of the 2010-2011 Literature and Spirituality Series. Readings followed by a book-signing and a reception. Presented in collaboration with Yale Divinity Student Book Supply


Christian Wiman is the author of three books, most recently a book of essays, Ambition and Survival: Becoming a Poet.  His new book of poetry, Every Riven Thing, will be published this fall by Farrar, Straus and Giroux.  He is currently working on a book of theological and spiritual meditations called My Bright Abyss, sections of which have appeared in recent issues of The American ScholarThe Harvard Divinity BulletinThe Christian Century, and Image.  He lives in Chicago, where he is the editor of Poetry.