Location: Institute of Sacred Music
409 Prospect St.
New Haven, CT 06511
Admission: Free
Open to: General Public
Description: Part of the 2010-2011 Literature and Spirituality Series. Readings followed by a book-signing and a reception. Presented in collaboration with Yale Divinity Student Book Supply.
Author of ten collections of poetry, Micheal O’Siadhail (pr. ‘Mee-haul O’sheel’) offers a rare combination of creative passion, social consciousness and poetic craftsmanship. Esteemed as “one of the most humane and thoughtful of contemporary Irish writers” (Daily Express), from his earliest works to his more recent Love Life and Globe, Mr. O’Siadhail’s poetry explores themes of love, justice, memory, and the ‘jazz’ of existence in a style that is intricately complex yet accessible.
Winner of several important literary awards, including an Irish American Cultural Institute prize, Mr. O’Siadhail’s work has been translated into numerous and diverse languages and he has given poetry readings and broadcast extensively in Ireland, Britain, Europe and North America. No stranger to Yale, in 1985 he delivered the Trumbull Lecture here, and has previously given two public readings on the Yale campus. More dramatization than recital, his animated readings perform his verse in ways that recall the role of the poet as public bard.