Location: Paul Rudolph Hall (RDH ), Yale School of Architecture
180 York Street
New Haven, CT 06511
Open To: General Public
Admission: Free
Description: A walking tour of three history churches in downtown New Haven, featuring performances by members of the Yale Schola Cantorum.
The walking tour begins at the Yale School of Architecture Gallery at 12:00 PM.
- 12:30PM - Trinity Church on the Green (230 Temple St.)
- 1:15 PM - Saint Thomas More Chapel (268 Park St.)
- 2:00 PM - Christ Church (84 Broadway)
Tour concludes with a reception in the North Gallery at the Yale School of Architecture (180 York St.)
There will be a brief discussion on the history and design of each building and how they affect the musical influence on the congregation’s experience of prayer, worship and reverence. The discussion will be followed by a short musical demonstration given by a choir of students from the Yale Schola Cantorum.