Location: Sterling Divinity Quadrangle, Marquand Chapel
409 Prospect Street
New Haven, CT 06511
Open to: General public
Admission: Free
Description: An evening of music and conversation presented in association with the Program in Music and the Black Church
Abiding under a womanist lens, Parting the Waters Beneath the Cross: An Evening of Sacred Music Honoring Black Women Preachers centers and offers a deep reflection on the sacred sermonic work of Black preaching women in literature, music, and theology. This concert is a manifestation of Dr. Melanie R. Hill’s forthcoming manuscript Colored Women Sittin’ on High: A Phenomenology of Womanist Sermonic Practice in Literature and Music.
- Dr. Melanie R. Hill, moderator and violin
- Bishop Dr. Barbara M. Amos, Founder, Faith Deliverance Christian Center (Norfolk, VA)
- The Rev. Dr. Cecelia Williams Bryant, AMEC Supervisors Council (International)
- The Rev. Dr. Sharon S. Riley, Senior Pastor, Faith Deliverance Christian Center (Norfolk, VA)
- Ruby Sales, The SpiritHouse Project (National)
- The Rev. Dr. Renita J. Weems, Ray of Hope Community Church (Nashville, TN)
- Chaz Shepherd, organ
- Calvin Sellers, bass
- Marcus Johnson, drums