Location: Miller Hall
406 Prospect Street
New Haven, CT 06511
Admission: Free
Open to: General Public
Description: In this talk, ISM fellow, Dr. Samantha Slaubaugh, will argue that a narrative in the hagiography for Douceline of Digne, a thirteenth century Provençal beguine, was crafted to portray an ecstatic liturgy of dedication of the newly constructed beguine House of Roubaud in Marseille. In this hagiographic narrative, the innovative rite of dedication encourages the beguines to enact joy, consolation, and reverence in response to the protection and presence of God with their community.
This talk is part of the Liturgy Symposium at the Yale Institute of Sacred Music.
Samantha Slaubaugh is a liturgical scholar with a Ph.D. in theology from the University of Notre Dame. Her dissertation, “Liturgy and Ecstasy among the Beguines of Roubaud: Douceline of Digne’s Vida as Liturgical Commentary and Customary,” explores how the hagiographic text for Douceline of Digne utilized narratives of her ecstatic raptures as a liturgical gloss and model for the community. Her time at the ISM will broaden this work to analyze the role of performed emotions in ritual communal identity formation. She aims to present a new method for assessing liturgical formation of medieval beguines when official liturgical manuscripts are lacking.