Past Event: Religion & Film Series | The Tree of Life

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Location: Whitney Humanities Center Auditorium
53 Wall St.
New Haven, CT 06511

Open To: General Public

Admission: Free

Description: Film screening followed by discussion.

Professors Kathryn Lofton and Sally Promey will lead the audience in a post-screening conversation that aims to decipher just what this big, strange, unwieldy film means.  Included in this discussion will be considerations of creation, deconstruction, dinosaurs, parenthood, the Book of Job, myth, knowledge, and the religious history of Waco, Texas.

Films at the Whitney supported by the Barbakow Fund for Innovative Film Programs at Yale. Presented with the Initiative for the Study of Material and Visual Cultures of Religion, the Program in American Studies, the Film Studies Program, and the Department of Religious Studies.