Location: Sterling Divinity Quadrangle (SDQ), Niebuhr Hall, RSV Room, SG58
409 Prospect St.
New Haven, CT 06511
Open To: Yale Community Only
Admission: Registration required
Description: The first decade and a half of the 21st century have been marred by a rise in volatile encounters around the world turning into conflicts. Different forms of religiosity feature prominently among the underlying tensions of these encounters, and music has a strong presence that is revealingly telling. Within recent and current scholarship that examines various types of encounter in theories about music, practice, sociality, relationality, ethics, and aesthetics there remains a need for building on the recognized complexities of encounter to explore more layers of meaning beneath the surface. This symposium is an interdisciplinary conversation that seeks to explore the constructive potential inherent to intersubjective and intercommunal human encounters by considering interactions between religiosity and musicality from a number of perspectives.
2:00 PM Introduction (Niebuhr Hall)
2:10 PM Music as a Relational Practice (Niebuhr Hall) Nicholas Cook
3:30 PM Music Relations and Ethical Responsibility (RSV Room) Jeff Warren
4:20 PM Relationality and Recognition: Philosophical Perspectives from Theories of Recognition (RSV Room) Aku Visala
5:20 PM Music, Community, and Conflict: Some Preliminary Remarks (RSV Room) Morag Josephine Grant
9:30 AM Sounding the Straits: Andalusian Music and Interfaith Engagement in the Mediterranean (RSV Room) Jonathan Shannon
10:20 AM Living Together, Singing Together: Inter-Religiosity and Sounds of Hope from Pre-War Syria (RSV Room) Tala Jarjour
11:30 AM Jewish Musical Relationality: Detroit in My Day (RSV Room) Mark Slobin
1:00 PM Social and Spiritual Relationality in Ritual Ceremonies of Rural Cameroon (SG58) Susanne Fürniss
1:50 PM Word and Mystery: Religion and Acoustic Space (SG58) Braxton Boren
2:50 PM Performative Communitas through Participatory Song and Dance: The Shaping of People’s Moods and Motivations through Participation (SG58) Anthony Seeger