Location: Christ Church
84 Broadway
New Haven, CT 06511
Admission: Free
Open to: General Public
Description: Choral Evensong conducted by David Hill
The Program:
Ego flos campi
Raffaella Aleotti (1575–1620)
Maggie Burk (b. 1990) (ISM Graduate Class 2019?)
Psalm 150 setting by Charles Stanford (1852-1924)
The Magnificat
The Nunc dimittis
From “The Great Service” by William Byrd (1543-1623)
Anthem: Libera nos, salva nos John Sheppard (1515-1558)
Yale Schola Cantorum is a chamber choir that performs sacred music from the sixteenth century to the present day in concert settings and choral services around the world. It is sponsored by Yale Institute of Sacred Music and conducted by David Hill.