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Latest News
LETTERS Journal, No. 11
We’re thrilled to announce the publication of the Summer 2021 LETTERS Journal, a semi-annual journal of literature and visual art.
Braxton Shelley Appointed to Yale Faculty
The ISM is privileged to announce the tenured appointment of Dr. Braxton Shelley as associate professor of sacred music, of divinity, and of music.
A Fond Reminiscence with Anne and Jeffery Rowthorn
The Right Reverend Jeffery Rowthorn and his wife, Anne, founders of the ISM, chatted with me recently over Zoom from their home in Salem, CT.
Martin Jean Reappointed
The ISM is thrilled to announce the reappointment of Professor Martin Jean as the director of the ISM.
Dashon Burton (M.M. '11) Wins GRAMMY Award
ISM congratulates Dashon Burton (M.M. voice ‘11) on winning a GRAMMY in the Best Classical Solo Vocal Album category.
Alumni, Student, Fellows, Faculty, and Staff News - May 2021
Alumni, Student, Fellows, Faculty, and Staff news and notes for May 2021.
Theology, Music, and Modernity: Struggles for Freedom—Markus Rathey, Daniel Chua, and Jeremy Begbie, Editors
ISM professor Markus Rathey recently published Theology, Music, and Modernity: Struggles for Freedom.
The Latest Issue of The Yale ISM Review
We are excited to announce the publication of the latest issue of The Yale ISM Review.
"The Robin" in Springtime
Thomas Murray, Professor Emeritus in the Practice of Organ sent a photograph from Prof. Murray of “The Robin” with ISMers.
Yale Schola Cantorum Virtual Choir Projects for Holy Week and Easter
Yale Schola Cantorumis excited to announce the release of four virtual choir recordings celebrating Holy Week and the beginning of the Easter.