The ISM is excited to announce a series of FREE webinars by scholars exploring different aspects of Christian liturgies for spring 2022.
Fridays at noon (ET) except where noted.
February 4
Path as Cultural Technique: The Easter Tuesday Procession at Montecassino
Andrew Irving, University of Groningen
March 4 | 5pm (ET)
The Liturgical Emotions of Hymnody: Romanos the Melodist and the Songs of Pascha
Andrew Mellas, St. Andrew’s Theological College & University of Sydney
April 1
Eucharistic Materiality and Lay Liturgical Experience in the Early Middle Ages
Juliette Day, University of Helsinki and Oxford University
April 29
The Egyptian Sanctus and the Apse Iconography of the Red Monastery Church: Musings on the Use of the Sanctus in the Shenoutean Federation
Nathan P. Chase, Aquinas Institute of Theology, St. Louis
May 6
Early Slavic Liturgy at the Crossroads of East and West: The Glagolitic Manuscripts at Sinai
Nina Glibetić, University of Notre Dame
May 13
Liturgy and the Life Course: Rites of Passage for Children and Adolescents in Late Antiquity and Byzantium
Gabriel Radle, University of Notre Dame