Yale Lectures in Late Antique and Byzantine Art and Architecture

Wednesday, August 31, 2022
New coin from Rob Nelson

Each year, the Institute of Sacred Music offers a series of Zoom lectures focusing on late antique and Byzantine art and architecture. This year eight lectures will cover a range of subjects from the glass mosaics of Byzantium, to women’s health, riverscapes, and eleventh century miniatures.

Lecture series organized by Robert S. Nelson, Robert Lehman Professor in the History of Art, and Vasileios Marinis, associate professor of Christian Art and Architecture at the ISM and YDS.

Presented in collaboration with Yale Department of Classics and Yale Department of the History of Art.


September 9, 2022
Windows onto Sanctity: Monks’s Cells and Hagioscopes in Byzantine Churches
Robert Ousterhout, University of Pennsylvania
Respondent: Vasileios Marinis, Yale University

November 11, 2022
Fear and Artistic Authority in the Middle Byzantine Period
Ravinder Binning, The Ohio State University
Respondent: Foteini Spingou, University of Edinburgh

December 2, 2022
From Crete to Singapore via Rome and St. Louis. An Orthodox Icon Becomes Catholic
The October 14 webinar was cancelled due to technical difficulties, but has been rescheduled for this date.

January 13, 2023
The Golden Threads of Orthodoxy: Revisiting the Materiality and Function of Early Palaiologan Epitaphioi
Anastasia Drandaki, University of Athens

February 10, 2023
The Donor and His House. Inscriptions in the Late Roman Domestic Context
Elisabeth Rathmayr and Veronika Scheibelreiter-Gail of the Austrian Academy of Sciences speak
Anna Sitz of the University of Heidelberg will be the respondent.

March 10, 2023
The Historical Frieze on the Arch of Constantine
Sarah Bassett, Indiana University Bloomington
Respondent: Noel Lenski, Yale University

April 14, 2023
Migrant Greeks: Comparing Feofan Grek and Domenico Greco
Charles Barber, Princeton University
Respondent: Maria Vassilaki, University of Thessaly