ISM students conduct leading Danish choir in Copenhagen

As part of an ongoing exchange with Danish Radio and the Danish National Vocal Ensemble—one of Scandanavia’s leading professional choirs—the ISM’s second year choral conducting majors, Margaret Winchell ‘28, Andrew Liu ‘24, and Sarah Shapiro ‘24 spent a week in Copenhagen in May. The three rehearsed with the ensemble and then led them in a beautiful concert in the capital city’s Trinitatis Church, performing works by Palestrina, Anerio, Gallus, Bruckner, Edie Hill, Melissa Dunphy, and Aaron Jay Kernis. The students were accompanied by Jeffrey Douma, The Marshall Bartholomew Professor in the Practice of Choral Music at the ISM and the Yale School of Music, and director of the Yale Glee Club. Professor David Hill, principal conductor of Yale Schola Cantorum until the end of June, attended the concert and described the conducting as of “the highest quality.” The concert was later broadcast Monday on Danish Radio.