In August, Teresa Berger presented a paper entitled “Christian Worship, Congregational Singing, and Practices of Gender: Exploring the Intersections” at the third biennial Conference on Christian Congregational Music in Oxford. Her most recent publications are “Gender Matters in Worship: An Ecumenical Theme across a Divided Church” (Liturgy 30:4(2015): 36-43) and “Liturgie und Frauenleben: Orte, Zuschreibungen und Zumutungen im Gottesdienst” (in KATHARINAfeier: Kritisch-theologisch-feministisch. Eine Nachlese, ed. Anna Steinpatz et al., Salzburger Interdisziplinaere Diskurse, 189-206. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2015).
In July, Maggi Dawn was keynote speaker at “Called to be a Living Voice,” the biennial conference of the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians, in Atlanta GA, where she was in conversation with Bishop Guy R. Erwin, bishop of the ELCA Southwest California Synod, who from 1993 - 1999 taught the history of Christianity and historical theology at YDS.
In September she attended the Ecclesiology and Ethnology conference at the University of Durham, UK, and gave a paper, “Sing to the Lord a New Song: A Study into How Songs Become Established in Church Repertoires.”
In October she attended and gave a presentation at The Venice Colloquium, an international meeting in Italy for ritual artists – liturgical ministers, all of whom had first trained in music, visual arts, literature, or theatre.
In addition to giving lectures on opera for Yale Alumni College and for the Yale University Women’s Organization, Judith Malafronte covered several opening nights for Opera News, including Anna Bolena, Turandot, and Tosca at the Met, and the world premiere of Jake Heggie’s Great Scott in Dallas. Her article on “Vibrato Wars” was featured in Early Music America magazine’s fall edition, and she continues her regular column, “Canto,” in that quarterly publication.
On October 17, 2015, Bryan Spinks gave a lecture entitled “The Nineteenth Century Liturgical Revival: Evolution and Devolution of Worship in the Kirk” at New College, Edinburgh. This lecture was the Church Service Society Sesquicentennial Lecture at Greyfriars Kirk, and was part of SPARK Greyfriars Festival of Worship and the Arts.
James Taylor has been invited to do masterclasses and lectures on Bach’s St. Matthew Passion and the role of the Evangelist in Bach’s Passions at the University of Minnesota.