Yale Institute of Sacred Music announces the publication of Vol. 2 No. 1 of the Yale Journal of Music & Religion (YJMR), with articles on such topics as Anglican church music in South Africa, religious identity in “secular” Balinese performing arts, and 17th-century Christian–Muslim encounters involving music and the Psalms. YJMR Website
YJMR is a peer-reviewed, open access journal of interdisciplinary scholarship that provides a forum for the study of sacred music in all of its ritual, artistic, and cultural contexts. Twice a year, YJMR publishes scholarship on religious music of all traditions across a range of methodologies, with the goal of encouraging the study of the full array of musical, ritual, literary, and other artistic forms that co-constitute the worlds of beliefs and practices. The journal is published by Yale Institute of Sacred Music, an interdisciplinary graduate center educating leaders who foster, explore, and study engagement with the sacred through music, worship, and the arts in Christian communities, diverse religious traditions, and public life.
In September 2016, YJMR will release Vol. 2, No. 2: The Sounds of Processions, exploring the role of music in religious processions.
CALL FOR PAPERS: Papers on a range of music and religion topics are always welcome for consideration in general issues published each March.Guidelines are on the YJMR Website or email the managing editor for more information.