Yale Lectures in Late Antique and Byzantine Art and Architecture

Monday, August 31, 2020
New coin from Rob Nelson

Each year, the Institute of Sacred Music offers a series of Zoom lectures focusing on late antique and Byzantine art and architecture. In 2020/2021 seven lectures will cover a range of subjects from the glass mosaics of Byzantium, to women’s health, riverscapes, and eleventh century miniatures.

Lecture series organized by Robert S. Nelson, Robert Lehman Professor in the History of Art, and Vasileios Marinis, associate professor of Christian Art and Architecture at the ISM and YDS.

Presented in collaboration with Yale Department of Classics and Yale Department of the History of Art.


October 9, 2020
Lecture | “Visual Mastery of the Hippodrome?: Rethinking the Imperial Image in Byzantium”
Antony Eastmond, The Courtauld Institute of Art, University of London
Respondent: Nino Zchomelidze, the Johns Hopkins University 

November 13, 2020
Everlasting Monument’ [արձան մշտնջենաւոր]: Ani Cathedral and its Contexts
Christina Maranci, Tufts University
Respondent: Vasileios Marinis, Yale

December 11, 2020
“What do Mosaics Want? Or, Wall Mosaics and the Space between Viewer and Viewed”
Liz James, University of Sussex
Respondent: Robert S. Nelson, Yale

January 8, 2021
The Nativity Church in Bethlehem in the Light of Recent Restorations
Michele Bacci, University of Fribourg
Respondent: Ariel Fein, Yale

February 20, 2021
From Domestic to Divine: The Mosaics of Late Antique Syria
Sean Leatherbury, University College, Dublin
Respondent: Örgü Dalgıç, Yale

March 12, 2021
Africa in Late Antiquity: Faith, Politics, and Commerce between the Mediterranean and the Red Sea
Andrea Achi, The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Respondent: Felicity Harley, Yale

April 9, 2021
Auro, argento, aere perennius: Byzantine Art in and through Coins 4th-15th Centuries
Cécile Morrisson, CNRS and Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres
Respondent: Noel Lenski, Yale